Switching from Chrome to Firefox

Firefox Firefox Përditësuar së fundmi: 08/09/2023 65% e përdoruesve e kanë votuar këtë si të dobishëm
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Switching from Google Chrome to Firefox is easy and risk-free! Firefox can automatically import your bookmarks, passwords, history, and other data from Chrome without deleting it or interfering with any of its settings. Give it a try.

  1. Don't remove Chrome [yet]… We'll need it to import your bookmarks and other data.
    • (Optional) If you have Google Chrome open tabs you want to save, bookmark them all in an easy-to-find location, such as in a new “Open Tabs” folder in the Bookmarks bar.
    Bookmark all tabs Chrome MacOS
  2. Download and install Firefox from Mozilla's download page.
  3. Quit ChromeExit Chrome if you have it running.
    quit chrome macquit chrome win
  4. Open your newly-installed Firefox. The import tool will appear.
    • If it doesn't, click File in Menu bar at the top of the screen and select Import from Another Browser… from the menu.enable the Menu bar in Firefox (press Alt on the keyboard to enable it temporarily), click File in Menu bar at the top of the screen and select Import from Another Browser… from the menu.click the menu button Fx89menuButton, select Settings and in the General panel, click on Import Data under the Import Browser Data section.
  5. Choose the Google Chrome profile and the data you wish to import.
    Chrome import profile
    • To choose the data you wish to import, click the + button.
  6. Click the Import button to start the import process.
  7. Click the Done button when the import has completed.

See the Import bookmarks and other data from Google Chrome article for more information.

Note: If you saved your open tabs in Google Chrome, find the “From Google Chrome” folder in the Firefox Bookmarks Toolbar, select the “Open Tabs” folder you created and click Open All in Tabs to open the tabs in Firefox.

Open all bookmarks in tabs

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