Use the Eyedropper tool in Firefox to sample colors

Firefox Firefox Senast uppdaterad: 04/22/2024 83% av användarna tyckte att det här var hjälpsamt
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Firefox's built-in Eyedropper tool allows users to easily identify and copy the Hex (hexadecimal) values of colors found on web pages. This guide provides clear, step-by-step instructions for accessing and using this feature, making it simpler for creators to incorporate exact colors into their projects. Firefox Eyedropper 2

Access the Eyedropper tool

  1. At the top right, click the menu button Menu hamburguer button
  2. From the dropdown menu, navigate to More Tools to find additional options.
  3. Click on Eyedropper. Your cursor will change to indicate the Eyedropper tool is active.

Sample Colors from your screen

After activating the Eyedropper tool, follow these steps to sample a color:

  1. Move your cursor to the area of the webpage with the color you wish to sample. The Eyedropper will display a magnified view for precise selection.
  2. Click on the color you desire. Upon clicking, the Eyedropper tool automatically copies the color's Hex value.
  3. The Hex value is now on your clipboard, ready to be pasted and used in your projects.
Firefox Eyedropper

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