Firefox 4 hangs when Goole or gmail is opened
Today i downloaded Firefox 4 but having issues as firefox hangs
When i try to open Goolgle or gmail using the page loads but its unresponsive. The gamil page will load with the cursor blinking at the user name but i cannot enter anything. I can neither switch between tabs
The tab which was opened google/gmail tab says its still loading....
I dont know if this is the issue with any other website i havent tried many...
what is causing this issue i had to move back to using Firefox 3.6 for getting gmail or google to work
Усі відповіді (5)
Running Firefox from a .bat file is the workaround that fixed the hang. See below - Scott
Ignore this post...
Found a fix in about:config - I haven't tuned the final value, but adding a zero to:
Stopped the hang / hour-glass, pretty snappy performance now :-)
Under Windows 7:
Actually it looks like the dom.storage.default_quota wasn't the fix, it was how I started the browser.
If I start Firefox from the program icon / shortcut / taskbar icon, I get the hangs even with dom.storage.default_quota value increased.
Starting firefox via a .bat file I use to run more than one Firefox instance stops the hang / hour-glass:
@echo off
set MOZ_NO_REMOTE=1 start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Firefox\firefox.exe" -ProfileManager set MOZ_NO_REMOTE=0
This works with dom.storage.default_quota at default 5120
To run more than one instance of Firefox you need multiple copies/installs of Firefox - you can't run multiple instances of the same .exe/install at the same time.
For this problem, just run the .bat on your single install of Firefox.
==> I tried adding -no-remote to a shortcut as below, but that didn't work...
It looks like there is a command-line switch for this now, like -ProfileManager
That can simply be set in your shortcut:
Target: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -ProfileManager
I haven't checked to see if this problem /fix is needed under Linux / Mac OSX
Odd, the .bat using MOZ_NO_REMOTE causes the problem to go away, but adding the -no-remote on the shortcut doesn't help - still get the hang / hour-glass.
For now using the .bat is a usable work around, but a better solution is needed.
Yup, creating a .bat file without the MOZ_NO_REMOTE also works to start a single instance of Firefox that doesn't hang in gmail:
@echo off
start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Firefox\firefox.exe" -ProfileManager
Must be some initialization difference starting from .bat that fixes the problem.
I was having this problem as well - if you wait long enough you get a message about a script taking too long to execute. I was able to fix this by reinstalling adobe flash player (oddly enough). So, give it a shot.
Windows 7 intel I5. Installed Firefox 4 ( ext adblock,google bookmarks,read it later)opened google and searched, first search usually OK second it hangs.... during hang very high CPU usage and firefox memory increses rapidly. Wound back to 3.6...it OK