Firefox for Enterprise 83 - Release notes

Firefox for Enterprise Firefox for Enterprise Được tạo: 11/10/2020

Except where noted, everything here applies to both Firefox 83 and the Firefox 78.5 ESR.

Table of Contents


  • The Preferences policy has been updated to support preferences that begin with general.autoScroll., general.smoothScroll., and signon..
  • The OverrideFirstRunPage policy has been updated to support multiple URLs separated by a vertical bar (|).
  • The WebsiteFilter policy has been updated to support blocking local files by using file:/// patterns.
  • The DisableTelemetry policy has been updated to set the preference toolkit.telemetry.archive.enabled to false. We continue to recommend that you do not disable telemetry. Information collected through telemetry helps us build a better product for businesses like yours.

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