Searching in Pocket on your computer

Pocket Pocket Bisu sos bi: 27% of users voted this helpful
Amagul kenn ku jàpp ci tekkib jukki bii. Sudee xam nga ni tekkib SUMO di doxee, tàmbalil tekki. Soo bëggee xam ni ñuy tekkee jukkiy SUMO, tàmbaleel fii.
Searching in Pocket on your Computer

To use Search in Pocket on your computer, click the search button shown above (the magnifying glass button), then type in your search and click the Enter button.

Search options in Pocket

When searching in Pocket with a free account, you can find items in your list by Title and URL. Pocket Premium offers a full-text search feature, where you can search in the following ways:

  • Search by keyword in the article text, tag, topic, and author
  • Search across your list and archive at the same time
  • Sort by Relevance in addition to Newest/Oldest results first
  • Save recent searches

Learn more about Full-Text Search in Pocket Premium.

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