Cannot Connect to PNC Online Banking

Firefox is my preferred browser. Lately however, I cannot log into my online banking account with PNC. When I insert my PNC log-in information...username and password..… (funda kabanzi)

Firefox is my preferred browser. Lately however, I cannot log into my online banking account with PNC. When I insert my PNC log-in information...username and password.....I get a tab that reads "Challenge Validation" and the browser window says "Not Found". Just as an fyi, if I switch to Google Chrome I can log-in to my PNC online account.

Any help or suggestions to be able to use Firefox???

Asked by kimmerltz 23 imizuzu edlule

Firefox won't open. It only hangs, requiring me to Force Quit

I'm using Firefox 130.00 on a MacBook Pro (15-inch, mid-2012) running Catalina (10.15.7). It has run flawlessly for years, but suddenly won't open, and only hangs, requir… (funda kabanzi)

I'm using Firefox 130.00 on a MacBook Pro (15-inch, mid-2012) running Catalina (10.15.7). It has run flawlessly for years, but suddenly won't open, and only hangs, requiring me to Force Quit. It stopped working on Thursday, 9/12, which, I notice, was the day it was last modified with an automatic upgrade. I have quit and tried restarting multiple times, but am unable to get into it at all and, therefore, cannot access Troubleshooting Mode. I have NOT yet tried deleting it and downloading a fresh copy. I would like, if possible, to retain my open tabs, Bookmarks, and History.

Please advise—and many thanks!

Asked by jt26 16 amahora adlule

Last reply by jt26 1 ihora elidlule

Firefox 130.0.1 crashes on every site

To whom it may concern, My firefox on a Mac running 14.7.1 crashes on every site that I try to access. It goes to the below image that states "gah, etc". I have sent in m… (funda kabanzi)

To whom it may concern, My firefox on a Mac running 14.7.1 crashes on every site that I try to access. It goes to the below image that states "gah, etc". I have sent in mutliple crash reports and followed the troubleshooting on the forums. Steps followed so far -Restarted Firefox -Restarted Mac - Cleared Cache and temporary files -Cleared startup cache -disabled extensions -refreshed firefox -upgraded Mac OS

My next option seems to be to uninstall the programs and reinstall it, but I am worried about losing all saved information including passwords, bookmarks, etc. I cannot even access mozilla's site nor the ability to turn sync on.

Any thoughts would be welcome. Thank you, Adam

Asked by am47 3 amahora adlule

Videos and Livestreams are constantly freezing, and when I refresh the page the video is just black

Youtube videos and Twitch live streams are freezing and whenever I refresh the page the video/live stream is just black. The audio still continues to play and I have no i… (funda kabanzi)

Youtube videos and Twitch live streams are freezing and whenever I refresh the page the video/live stream is just black. The audio still continues to play and I have no idea what is causing it. I only have 3 extensions installed (Ublock Origin, Youtube Sponsor Block, and Truffle) and have even tried removing them to no success. The only way to fix it has been to close and reopen Firefox, but it usually doesn't fix it for long. Its even started crashing any games I've been playing when I close Firefox. I'll try to get a video to show the issue.

Asked by Josh Griffith 3 amahora adlule

email download irregularity

For many years I have filtered my email through the Mailwasher app with absolutely no problem. I typically have maybe 15 short emails in the morning. If there are unwa… (funda kabanzi)

For many years I have filtered my email through the Mailwasher app with absolutely no problem. I typically have maybe 15 short emails in the morning. If there are unwanted items, which is rare, I can read and delete them there. When I then “wash” the list, good emails are sent to Thunderbird. I click on “Get Messages” and Thunderbird downloads them - usually nearly instantaneously. This routine occurs even if I am hundreds of miles from home. Lately however, and for the past month+ or so, the first 5 or 6 downloads happen quickly as stated above but then the next email may take minutes. Additional emails may also take a minute or more apiece. Then the remainder may download as super-fast as the first ones. Also, some of the earliest ones will download in triplicate. Sometimes a window will display the message: “Error with account: Unable to write the email to the mailbox. Make sure the file system allows you write privileges and you have enough disk space to copy the mailbox.” (I have plenty of disk space.) What gives?

Asked by Bud70 5 amahora adlule

Intermittent Problem with Incoming Email

Intermittent problem with incoming email over the past couple of weeks. Just a string of alphanumeric characters in the message body, and the "From" and "Subject" fields… (funda kabanzi)

Intermittent problem with incoming email over the past couple of weeks. Just a string of alphanumeric characters in the message body, and the "From" and "Subject" fields are blank. Not all emails are affected, only random ones.

The emails appear OK when I use my native Android email client, and if I send them to myself from my cellphone they show up OK in Thunderbird on my laptop. Weird. Any suggestions?

Asked by swpinet 6 amahora adlule

Facebook Like

Facebook when I go to "Like " an entry if any others have liked it when I hover it shows a dropdown of their names but makes it unable to click the like button (or the ot… (funda kabanzi)

Facebook when I go to "Like " an entry if any others have liked it when I hover it shows a dropdown of their names but makes it unable to click the like button (or the others reply buttons). This same behavior does not occur when using Edge which makes me believe it is a FireFox specific issue. I do not use Chrome. Thanks for taking a look.

Asked by Gary 6 amahora adlule

Firefox not recognising configured audio outputs in browser-based video conferencing tools

When using web video conferencing services (Google Meet, Teams, etc.) that run in the browser, on a Windows system, Firefox only offers a single output device: the system… (funda kabanzi)

When using web video conferencing services (Google Meet, Teams, etc.) that run in the browser, on a Windows system, Firefox only offers a single output device: the system-configured Default Device. It does not offer the system-configured Default Communication Device. (I can swap the default before a call, but that is cumbersome at the end of the day.)

In this instance, the default is the speakers built into my screen, through HDMI. The communication default is my headset, which also provides the microphone (which is recognised and works fine).

The issue is not experienced with Chrome (the only other tried). It has been an issue through many years, on multiple machines, with various default sudio out devices attached.

Asked by RickYagodich 9 amahora adlule

Firefox Ocsp fails at loading private https website

Hello, i have precisely explained issue here with different screens. i would like to have your feedback… (funda kabanzi)


i have precisely explained issue here with different screens. i would like to have your feedback

Asked by Thierry Brémard 10 amahora adlule

Extension Icon Missing

I have used Evernote Web Clipper for years. It's icon has suddenly disappeared from my menu. My searches show I am still connected to the extension. I just cannot access … (funda kabanzi)

I have used Evernote Web Clipper for years. It's icon has suddenly disappeared from my menu. My searches show I am still connected to the extension. I just cannot access it or use it. Please help.

Asked by TomB 11 amahora adlule

Connecting to

Using Firefox 115.15.0esr (64-bits) on MacOS 14.3 (23D56) I'm not able to connect to while connects just fine. These domains … (funda kabanzi)

Using Firefox 115.15.0esr (64-bits) on MacOS 14.3 (23D56) I'm not able to connect to while connects just fine. These domains use different TLS versions, which may be related to the issue. The browser reports a failure to connect, and NS_ERROR_NET_INTERRUPT when viewing the networking tab. Tcpdump indicates the remote side disconnects by sending FIN on the tcp layer. I tried various config features to enable low TLS versions but that did not make a difference.

openssl s_client has no issue connecting, nor does Chrome, on the same system. For completeness here is the openssl transcript:

```` $ openssl s_client Connecting to CONNECTED(00000006) depth=2 C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1 verify return:1 depth=1 C=US, O=IdenTrust, OU=HydrantID Trusted Certificate Service, CN=HydrantID Server CA O1 verify return:1 depth=0 jurisdictionC=NL, businessCategory=Private Organization, serialNumber=33031431, C=NL, ST=Noord-Holland, L=Amsterdam, O=ING Bank NV, verify return:1 --- Certificate chain

0 s:jurisdictionC=NL, businessCategory=Private Organization, serialNumber=33031431, C=NL, ST=Noord-Holland, L=Amsterdam, O=ING Bank NV,
  i:C=US, O=IdenTrust, OU=HydrantID Trusted Certificate Service, CN=HydrantID Server CA O1
  a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
  v:NotBefore: Aug  7 11:27:00 2024 GMT; NotAfter: Sep  1 11:26:00 2025 GMT
1 s:C=US, O=IdenTrust, OU=HydrantID Trusted Certificate Service, CN=HydrantID Server CA O1
  i:C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1
  a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
  v:NotBefore: Dec 12 16:56:15 2019 GMT; NotAfter: Dec 12 16:56:15 2029 GMT
2 s:C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1
  i:C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1
  a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 4096 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
  v:NotBefore: Jan 16 18:12:23 2014 GMT; NotAfter: Jan 16 18:12:23 2034 GMT

--- Server certificate


MIIHGDCCBgCgAwIBAgIQQAGRLJeiKhzmRghG5nIGzjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBy ... ZthnKEctI1FJ7MLeY6+zNvJ8+sjEj9P61M85h+MthSw2Pm1wBGzGB9ncSRQ=


subject=jurisdictionC=NL, businessCategory=Private Organization, serialNumber=33031431, C=NL, ST=Noord-Holland, L=Amsterdam, O=ING Bank NV, issuer=C=US, O=IdenTrust, OU=HydrantID Trusted Certificate Service, CN=HydrantID Server CA O1 --- No client certificate CA names sent Peer signing digest: SHA256 Peer signature type: RSA Server Temp Key: ECDH, prime256v1, 256 bits --- SSL handshake has read 5469 bytes and written 453 bytes Verification: OK --- New, TLSv1.2, Cipher is ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 Server public key is 2048 bit Secure Renegotiation IS supported Compression: NONE Expansion: NONE No ALPN negotiated SSL-Session:

   Protocol  : TLSv1.2
   Cipher    : ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
   Session-ID: 9A30DC8B6EF5D0EE82F9ACB4D53D787D7B4BCAB27F5E54DDB906BEC5A6CDC887
   Master-Key: 04E64BF5ACC56AA2BB749AA3083DA0B498CCE36DB83A1BA78B19B9282F6B30362B8674D1F60D70594F21A08DC74006A5
   PSK identity: None
   PSK identity hint: None
   SRP username: None
   Start Time: 1726644699
   Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
   Verify return code: 0 (ok)
   Extended master secret: yes

--- GET / HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found ... ````

I would like to keep using Firefox for all my browsing, so I'm wondering what I can do to fix this. In about:config I have all settings containing "tls" to their defaults. I've tried enabling security.tls.version.enable-deprecated and lowering security.tls.version.min, but nothing seems to help.

I know from experience that contacting ING about such issues doesn't get you anywhere, and given the fact that another major browser has no issue I suspect it is best solved (or worked around) on the side of Firefox.

Asked by mp19 14 amahora adlule

"Couldn't load XPCOM."

Greetings, After having been "On th' Net", for approx. 6 hours earlier today, with No Issues,......About an hour ago, (And No,.... I didn't recieve a Firefox Update tod… (funda kabanzi)


After having been "On th' Net", for approx. 6 hours earlier today, with No Issues,......About an hour ago, (And No,.... I didn't recieve a Firefox Update today, to the best of my knowledge, although today has been very chaotic & stressful),....I tried to open a PDF, of which I view on the Firefox Browser, & I got a "Couldn't load XPCOM."

I then "Right Clicked" the Firefox icon & tried to open Firefox as an Administrator, & I got the same message.

I then "Right Clicked" the Firefox icon, & sought the "Refresh Button", But there is none.

The "Installed Browser" for Windows 10, is how I've managed to get to this Forum, of which I do not trust.

My Email is via YAHOO/Frontier, & since I, for the moment, cannot access My email, of which, I'm thinking that to see any replies to this situation that I'm in, that I will have to use YAHOO, so as to access Frontier.

I've seen where situations like this have been occurring, & the most recent that I saw is this:

cor-el Moderator Top 10 Contributor 1/12/23, 1:08 AM more options An error message about XPCOM missing or about platform version usually happens because of a failed Firefox update that left you with a mixture of old and updated files in the Firefox program folder. This can happen in case security software was keeping a handle of some of the files in the Firefox program folder preventing Firefox from replacing all the files. You need to do a clean reinstall and remove the Firefox program folder to ensure that all files are replaced. You may have to disable security software temporarily in case the problem persists.

You can find the full installer of the current Firefox release (108.0.2) in all languages and all operating systems here:

Will I be able to save All of My Favorites? I have several years of Favorites there & many of them are critically needed. I realize that the Add Ons/Themes/Settings will have to be re-installed/adjusted, but I'm good with that.

Again,... Keeping My Favorites is critical, & "If" they would be deleted, then is there any Possibility of Tech/Engineering accessing My Firefox Folder & saving them?


Asked by David DeBord 23 amahora adlule

Microsoft Edge Appears to have taken over Firefox.

I noticed after a forced Microsoft Windows 10 update, AND whilst using CC Cleaner to clean out the cache, I was no longer prompted to close Firefox. I never opened Micro… (funda kabanzi)

I noticed after a forced Microsoft Windows 10 update, AND whilst using CC Cleaner to clean out the cache, I was no longer prompted to close Firefox. I never opened Microsoft Edge and was not asked to close it to complete the CC Cleaner process. I don't want Mircosoft Edge and I especially don't like the feeling that Firefox must use Edge to operate. What can I do to clear this up.

Asked by WOMANTIC 1 usuku oludlule

Starting Thunderbird is extremely slow

Hello, I recently bought a MacBook Air 2024 with G3 chip (Sonoma 14.6.1) and used Time Machine to transfer all the data from my previous Apple MacBook Air from 2015 (Moja… (funda kabanzi)

Hello, I recently bought a MacBook Air 2024 with G3 chip (Sonoma 14.6.1) and used Time Machine to transfer all the data from my previous Apple MacBook Air from 2015 (Mojave 10.14.6) to the new computer. This also transferred my Thunderbird profile folder. It has the extension .default and an 8-digit combination of letters and numbers in front of it. Since the old version of Thunderbird no longer ran on Sonoma, I installed Thunderbird 115.15.0 and then opened Thunderbird on the new MacBook Air. Since then, Thunderbird has been taking an extremely long time to open (much longer than on the old MacBook Air with Mojave. Yesterday I updated to 128.2.0esr, which didn't help either. I deleted a deactivated extension in the add-ons, so that there are now no extensions, only a few dictionaries that I deleted as a test, which also did not bring any improvement. Switching off the hardware acceleration, clearing the cache and changing the themes did not improve the situation either. With the themes, I can only switch between dark, light and system theme - automatically. I checked and made sure that Thunderbird actually loads the .default profile folder from my old computer as the active profile. However, Thunderbird has also automatically set up a second profile with the extension .default-release. Could this be causing the problem? My active profile folder has a size of 15.21 GB and the new .deault-release profile folder has 18.6 MB. Both profile folders are located in Library/Thunderbird/Profiles I am quite desperate and hope that someone can help me. Thank you very much!

Asked by buy9 1 usuku oludlule

Last reply by buy9 1 usuku oludlule

Connectivity issue on certain websites

I get PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR when trying to load certain websites. I don't use any proxy or VPN, I tried disabling DoH. Also sometimes i get 403 forbidden cloudflare. … (funda kabanzi)

I get PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR when trying to load certain websites. I don't use any proxy or VPN, I tried disabling DoH. Also sometimes i get 403 forbidden cloudflare.

Asked by Whyking 3 ezinsukwini ezidlule

Last reply by Whyking 1 usuku oludlule