Personal folder data is deleted while deleting profile in Firefox
I created a profile in Firefox and deleted it. While deleting, unknowingly I clicked delete files. It is deleted all my system data. How to retrieve the data.
All Replies (7)
If the profile is in the Windows Recycle Bin, you may be able to restore it.
Unless you have some other third party software installed, I am unaware of any default way to recover the profile folder and data.
Sorry. Creating a new Profile in a non-default location and not creating a separate folder for the new Profile is a fatal mistake.
A recovery utility program such as Recuva will probably be the best chance of recovering your data.
Note that you can use the Profile Manager to recover a profile that doesn't show in the Profile Manager or a profile that you did remove and haven't removed its files. If you remove a profile and remove the files then all files in that location will be removed. You should always accept the location as offered by Firefox if you create a new profile or make sure to specify an empty folder or an existing valid profile folder that you want to recover if you click the "Choose folder" button.
I used Recuva. Some of the data is retrieved. But, the files are corrupted and not able to open the files. I heard that free s/w will not give the correct results and some files will be corrupted. I'm not sure which one I need to use to recover again.
If the files are corrupted then that means that Windows has reused the clusters to store data of other files and in that case you are out of luck. In case of text files (.js, .json, .ini) you can check the content in a text editor, but for binary files (SQLite databases) that is not possible.
My folder contain PDFs, Excels and word documents.
Typically those kinds of files would not form part of your Firefox profile, but would be stored in the "My Documents" (or equivalent) area on your computer.