sync not working at all
I moved (started from scratch) to Windows 10 and I cannot get Sync to work at all. I just keep getting "500 error" whenever I hit the "Sign In" button.
My other items (phone, tablet, and old Win 8.1 image) are all working fine.
There is another thread for this already, but I wanted to add a message to that and can't seem to unless I create a new question in here first.
All Replies (2)
Hi LaVBallCT , Try to temporarily remove the account from the Sync Settings.
- Open the three bar menu
- Click on the Sync option on the left
- Click on "Disconnect"
- Restart Firefox and Sign back in
Did this help?
I've actually been in that state (no account shown) for a while now.
When I try to get to the Tools > Options > Sync > Sign In screen I get the "500 Error - Oh dear, something went wrong there. We've been notified and will get working on a fix. " screen with the big blue Home button.
That error didn't seem to change if I had an account showing or not. My other devices are OK, it is just this new Win10 hard drive that is having massive issues.