When doing window.open I get "Error: Components.classes['@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1'] is undefined" from line 8 of your chrome://jqs/content/overlay.js module.
The actual window.open command is:
var newwindow = window.open(url, 'bolsInError' , 'height=600,width=900,left=100,top=100,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,status=no');
The url variable contains:
/energy/view/fueladmin/popBolNumbers.do?errorType=TDTN Error&errorField=Terminal-Product-&groupByKey=normalize%26%23373AT61KY3270%26%23377C286550%26%23377CCV%26%23377C%26%23377C%26%23373AR45%26%23377C%26%23377C&errorValue=T61KY3270%26%23377C286550%26%23377CCV%26%23377C%26%23377C%26%233723R45%26%23377C%26%23377C%26%233723
This error started appearing in Firefox 4.0.1 - it did not appear in previous versions. When I run in a debugger I can see that the error has been generated PRIOR to the struts action running that builds the web page being opened in the new window, so the error seems to be related to the window.open command and not to anything in the web page it is opening. Also, the error does not always occur - it seems to be somewhat intermittent.
All Replies (1)
Looks like a problem with the Java Quick Starter extension.
Disable the Java Quick Starter extension: Tools -> Add-ons -> Extensions
- Control Panel -> Java -> Advanced tab -> Miscellaneous -> Java Quick Starter (disable)
- http://www.java.com/en/download/help/quickstarter.xml - What is Java Quick Starter (JQS)? What is the benefit of running JQS? - 6.0