How can I have Telegram-like view of my Inbox (group my messages by sender and sort groups by date of the latest message within its group)?
I would like to have my messages organized as conversations like in Telegram or Facebook, where all messages are grouped by sender and are popped up in a stack way. To be more formal, I would like to group my messages by sender and then sort by the time of latest messages for the group. I have seen some 'conversation add-on' but it is useful only for threads, as far as I remember.
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I have never used Telegram and I do my best to avoid Facebook, so I probably don't actually understand what you want.
However, Thunderbird has a group by sort option. So if you use View|Sort By to sort your messages by date, then then use View|Sort By|Grouped By Sort they will be gathered by the sort criterion. This works well for sort by date, and you get groupings labelled Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days and so on.
So if you sort by From and then Grouped by Sort you will get your messages organized by sender. It doesn't look particularly useful to me, so I doubt it is what you are looking for.