Dragging and dropping subfolders in error
Hi Thunderbird; I am a financial contributor to your great e-mail program. One irksome issue I would like to see resolved to have a pop up asking"are you sure you want to do this" when moving e-mail subfolders two and more tiers down from one subfolder to another. I have over 100 e-mail subfolders in our company e-mail program and many more beneath those. Many times I will drag and drop e-mails directly from my inbox screen into subfolders in the left pane.(rather than using the "move" command) Occasionally I do not keep pressure on my left mouse button to do this. (I know , my fault). Instead of moving the specific e-mail(s), I now inadvertantly pick up a subfolder and drop it in a different folder, not realizing I have done this. When I finally realize the errant folder is not where it supposed to be( sometimes a day or two later), I spend a fair amount of time tracking it down and moving it back to it's original position.
Having a pop up message asking me if I really want to do this would be helpful and I'm sure would be appreciated by others who have 'lost' folders in a similar fashion.
Would be great to see in your upcoming supernova version 115 Thanks for considering this
Ken Johnson