How do you block facebook when it states once any device connects to facebook they scan your network and all computers and files on your network ? PRIVACY??????
if i use firefox focus it may block it accessing my history but thats not all the website does . In facebooks terms of service it states that they scan your network once a device connects to facebook and they access all your devices on the network and files on said devices. On your phone all your photos and your text messages are being data mined , how do you stop them accessing your network and pc's ? it's digusting that someone is looking at your personal photos of your wives or your children i don't know how this is legal i am mortified. I think the world has a right to start a class action lawsuit against facebook and pass all of facebooks funds to all its's users as this is digusting.
All Replies (1)
If you are using Firefox Focus, that is different than using the Facebook App that is downloaded. Firefox Focus works to block websites that may track you. In terms of looking to block network scanning and data mining, that is something beyond what can be provided on this forum. You may want to contact your Internet Service Provider for assistance with that.