APK or URL presents an error when publishing apps to devices Maas360
APK or URL presents an error when publishing apps to devices Maas360.
URL get error "Internal error occurred while uploading the package"
APK gets an error "The Android enterprise App uploaded does not contain application name or is in invalid format. please try again.
URL and APK i download from https://download.mozilla.org/?product=fennec-latest&os=android&lang=multi
All Replies (2)
I think this is something that you may need to contact the IBM MaaS360 team about. The app will install without any issues onto an Android device either sideloaded or from the Google Play Store.
I contacted IBM and they said its an issue with the app and to contact the vendor. I know it installs from Google play store but these are company devices and are not allowing access to google play. Also, I have all the other applications on MaaS and Firefox is the only one to give this issue.