Information on web does not correspond to Lightning on Thunderbird. Where can I get help?
I want to set up Lightning calendar which is not an add-on but came with Thunderbird. The information on the support site does not reflect what I have so I need another source for information on LIghtning.
All Replies (9)
What exactly are you trying to do? Set up a network calendar with a specific provider? Lightning is an add-on, as far as being able to remove or disable it separately from the main TB program, but it is included in the TB installer, unlike other add-ons.
I wish to set up the calendar to appear daily as I turn on the PC and Thunderbird. I looked at many articles on the web about configuration , preferences etc but they do not apply to the calendar I have. They refer to menus which do not exist and I have no way to modify my calendar so my request was for where can I get hold of help files to set up my claendar
Again, what is the calendar you have? What do you want to know that isn't explained here?
As I explained above, those articles do not refer to the calendar I find attached to Thunderbird. I did not install the calendar. I assume it is Lightning which is now part of Thunderbird and not an add-on. The articles you suggest refer to all sorts of buttons and menus which do not exist on my calendar.
Maybe you should post a picture of your calendar so we know what you're referring to.
What is your problem? The alendar is the one that is part of Mozilla THunderbird and is called Lightning.
Press Alt to show the Menu Bar, then make it always visible under View/Toolbars.
Unfortunately pressing Alt does not do anything. Are you using Windows? Perhaps the difference lies in the fact that I am using Linux Mnt. However, I have at least partially solved the problem because I found that clicking on the hamburger menu button in Thunderbird and then selecting Preferences one eventually gets through to a menu which includes Calendar and further configuration can be done from there. My problem was that the published articles were for the calendar as an add-on to TB whereas in my version (68.4) the calendar is part and parcel of the mail client and the buttons and menus mentioned in the article did not exist.
Thank you for trying.
Finding this led to further investigation and I discovered under VIew that Menu Bar was not ticked. Ticking this brings up the Menu Bar in Calendar which I had been looking for.