Reinstalling Thunderbird after Windows 10 Crash
Hello and good evening,
My PC recently crashed and I had to reinstall Windows 10. I chose the option "Keep my data".
Originally (i.e. before the crash), I had installed Thunderbird on drive C. This time (post crash) I installed it on drive D where I had more space.
For obvious reasons, I'd like to get back all the mails I sent and received over the years with Thunderbird, but I don't know how to. I'm not very tech-savvy.
Reading though this forum, I think I managed to find WHERE those mails are (and lots of other stuff such as my various settings).
I think I found it in C:/Thunderbird/Profiles a1b2c3d.default
When I reinstalled Thundebird (on drive D), everything started afresh.
I'm pretty sure I was created a new profile, but I can't find it. I tried D:/users/user name/appdata/roaming/ but there isn't any Thunderbird directory there...
Can you please help me to get back my old mails from my old profile?
Any help will be gratefully received.
With my anticipated thanks,
All Replies (1)
Hello again,
I spent the last few hours trying to get as much information as possible to help with the problem.
I realized that quite a few files/directories were invisible so that's why I couldn't find what I was looking for.
I found them in the directory Windows.old directory
In Users/User's name/AppData/Local/Thunderbird and in Users/User's name/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird . NEW THUNDERBIRD FILES
They are in
C:/Users/User's name/AppData/Local/Thunderbird and C:/User's name/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird
I thought that if I replaced the new files by the old files in both Thunderbird directories (local and roaming) in AppData, that would do the trick.
But it didn't. What am I doing wrong?
Best Regards,