Completely rewritten the proposed translated to better mirror the english article. Did not edit the templates included.
update to en-us
live chat opening hours
Jeg rettede sproglige samt stavefejl. Jeg oversatte tidligere ikke-oversatte menu-punkter. / I corrected misspellings and semantical errors. I translated menu items within braces.
Jeg lavede en general ændring af crash til nedbrud samt grammatiske varianter af dette. Desuden rettede jeg stavefejl./ I swapped all instances of the word crash for the danish equivalent nedbrud. I a
translate only
Initial translation of page
Attempt tp remove "content may be out of date" warning.
Dokument oversat
Som der blev sagt
Edited text
Changede an O to an o. Inserted space between two words.
move to staging area
Download og instalér tilføjelser
Startet. Translated Navigating section untill Stopping and reloading
Most of the text here is directly translated from English to Danish. Some text may be changed due to misunderstandings, but for now it seems pretty clear in danish and easy to read and understand.