When will History links open in a new tab without right-clicking, Ctrl, etc?
There are already 6 about:config settings that have to be changed so that links open in a new tab. Please add one more for our sanity and your consistency: links in History. While you are at it, please create 1 about:config setting that activates all 7 settings in a single step. Every "Firefox Refresh" destroys hours of configuration changes in FireFox and installed add-ons. For usability, these settings need to be saved in user accounts, but apparently this is not the case. Here are the 6 settings to which I am asking you to create the 7th for History links: browser.search.openintab - true browser.urlbar.openintab - true browser.newtabpage.enabled - true browser.tabs.loadBookmarksInTabs - true browser.link.open_newwindow - 3 browser.link.open_newwindow.restriction - 0
Alle svar (1)
Hi Kevin, these are default settings:
browser.newtabpage.enabled - true browser.link.open_newwindow - 3
I do agree it would be helpful to expose bookmarks and maybe search and URL bar on the Settings page along with links.
I don't know what is going on with the Library window. It's possible that improvements are paused during efforts to completely modernize it, perhaps as a tab-based feature, but I haven't been following it.
Mozilla recently started up a new "Ideas" site at https://connect.mozilla.org/. I think if you have time, it would be a good idea to post there to get into the current feedback stream.