How can I suggest improvements to developers for future releases?
I want to suggest some improvements to developers for the future updates for the Android program. How can a Firefox user suggest improvements to Firefox developers? Is there a community or forum to do it? Thank you.
All Replies (2)
Hi Black Jack
There are certainly ways you can suggest ideas, but please appreciate that the new Firefox for Android means we are developing at speed.
What are your ideas?
Hi Seburo!
I found some issues at bookmark settings at android program and I want you to tell me If I there is an option to fix them, otherwise to suggest you to fix them at the updates to cum.
When I save a new bookmark from android program it goes all the way up in the folder. At pc browser when I save a new bookmark goes all the way down. Is there an option to make at android program in order when I save a new Bookmark to goes all the way down? Otherwise it is better in the update to cum when I save a new Bookmark to goes all the way down the same like pc otherwise it is so confusing.
An other issue that I found is that from my android program I can't manage my Bookmarks. For example I can't move a saved bookmark or folder up or down to the list. Is there a solution to this problem? Otherwise I suggest you in a future update when I long press a bookmark or folder, to be able to take it up or down to your list and when I want to select more than one bookmarks to put some-ware a button (next to add a new folder button there is space to put it) in order to make a multiple selection.
An other problem is that no-were found the option to rank saved bookmarks and folders alphabetically into a folder. If there is no solution I suggest you to put this option to the three dots button in a future update.
Thank you!