How do I remove the annoying Firefox widget thing in the top left corner of my browser?
There is an orange dropdown box in the top left corner of the browser. How do I remove it?
All Replies (4)
You cannot remove it. It's the built-in feature of FF4 for Windows 7 and Vista to hide the Menu bar. Please read this article to restore the Menu bar instead of having the Firefox icon:
Worked! Thanks so much!
The orange Firefox button replaced the former Menu Bar (File, Edit, View, History, Bookmarks, Tools, Help). The items are arranged differently under the Firefox button than in the Menu Bar. Turning on the Menu Bar will add an additional toolbar (line) at the top of your browser with the above-mentioned items shown.
You can turn off the Firefox Button and turn on the Menu Bar (or vice versa) by doing one of the following to check/un-check the Menu Bar (checked=Menu Bar on, Firefox button off; un-checked=Firefox button on, Menu Bar off):
- click Firefox button, click Options, click Menu Bar
- right-click in a blank space on a toolbar, click Menu Bar
- HOLD the ALT key while pressing the keyboard letters VTM
Thanks! Already got it.