Display of just one particular web page
I have done something to just one web site that has made the display so small that I cannot read it or see the pictures well at all for just that one web site. I was tryi… (διαβάστε περισσότερα)
I have done something to just one web site that has made the display so small that I cannot read it or see the pictures well at all for just that one web site. I was trying to print just a selection of the web page that included some words and pictures. I was having a hard time trying to only highlight what I wanted to print. In doing that, I kept trying to make my selection several times. Somehow, I have messed the settings up for just that one web site. All of the other web sites are unchanged. I printed the instructions regarding font size, but I do not want to make overall changes. The other web sites I go to are fine. I only want to get the display corrected for this one web site I use a lot. In trying to highlight what I wanted to print, I have messed up the display for that one web site. As I wrote above, I do not want to make an overall change that will affect all of the web sites I go to using Firefox.
Can you tell me what I may have done to cause this and how to correct it? I thank you for any help you can give me. I also apologize for the length of this. This problem is hard to explain.