History of Customize Firefox controls, buttons and toolbars

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current   AliceWyman Intro edits to include note; deleted pre-fx109 content
Approved M AliceWyman "Customize the overflow...": added screenshot; capitalization fixes
Approved M Marcelo Ghelman Image:Fx112CustomizeFirefox-linux
Approved M AliceWyman Image:Fx111CustomizeFirefox-mac, removed extra {/for}
Approved M AliceWyman Customize the overflow menu or the toolbar: some items can't be moved
Approved M AliceWyman New Windows image for fx109+; deleted pre-fx89 content
Approved   Lan removed redundant ellipsis
Approved M Danny Colin [Linux][fx89] Update screenshots to use the new Proton theme
Approved M AliceWyman fx89 images for mac (still need fx89 Linux images)
Approved M AliceWyman Image:Fx89CustomizeToolbars-win
Approved M AliceWyman Image:Fx89CustomizeFirefox-win and other small edits
Approved M AliceWyman Intro: edited note
Approved   AliceWyman new Image: Fx88CustomizeFirefox-win
Approved M Marcelo Ghelman button -> menu markup, also in 2nd section
Approved   AliceWyman (minor edit) button -> menu markup in step 1
Approved M AliceWyman [Fx89] Customize Toolbar moved to "More Tools" sub-menu; contextmenu Tip
Approved M AliceWyman Image:Fx87Customize-mac
Approved M AliceWyman Customize -> Customize Toolbar… for fx87
Approved M Marcelo Ghelman fx85 Customize Toolbars Linux image
Approved M AliceWyman updates for fx85
Approved M AliceWyman edits to Intro note
Reviewed M AliceWyman Intro: added note with links for other ways to customize Firefox
Reviewed M Caitlin Neiman Added section for add-ons
Approved   TyDraniu Drop pre-fx57
Approved M AliceWyman moved new Linux images under the {for fx57} sections
Unreviewed   Wesley Branton Added Linux images
Approved M AliceWyman {for fx57} menu -> overflow menu
Approved M Lan Menu is no longer customisable so I made a new intro for fx57
Unreviewed   Lan Menu is no longer customisable so I made a new intro for fx57
Approved M AliceWyman Toolbar -> toolbar in section headings and in note for mac
Unreviewed   AliceWyman note for mac: "Firefox menu" -> "menu bar"
Unreviewed   AliceWyman edit to pending revision for Mac
Reviewed M Michele Rodaro Mac > Customize: You can turn on the Bookmarks toolbar also from the Toolbars dropdown menu
Approved M AliceWyman resubmitting deferred revision {for fx57} new images; separate win, mac, linux steps (see discussion). Need a Linux user to review.
Approved M AliceWyman minor edit: clearer image for fx57
Reviewed M AliceWyman {for fx57} new images; separate win, mac, linux steps
Approved   AliceWyman missing "the" added
Approved M Lan typo
Approved M AliceWyman menu button [[Image:Fx57Menu]] for fx57
Approved M Ömer Timur added fx57 customize icon to pending rev.
Reviewed M Ömer Timur added customize icon for fx57
Unreviewed   Tonnes some nits and /for issue
Approved M Joni removed video and updated for 57
Approved M Ömer Timur some edits for fx55 and pics
Approved M Chris Ilias purge pre-fx29 content
Approved M gijs Bug 1014185 removed the possibility to use about:customizing to open customize mode
Approved M ideato about:customizing option to open customize firefox tab
Approved   AliceWyman updated link to renamed article, "Refresh Firefox - reset add-ons and settings"
Approved   ideato removed "Share this article" link
Approved M Michael Verdi Added video for fx 29
Approved M Andrew blank edit; needs level 2 approval so the previous changes made can be ROL as requested by Safwan.
Approved   user47661 sorry for multible edits
Unreviewed   user47661 "{for fx29}"
Unreviewed   user47661 __TOC__
Approved M Michael Verdi Made a separate section for Fx29 focusing on using customize mode, removed ≤fx16 content, new summary, removed redundant keywords
Unreviewed   Joni Ready for review
Approved M scoobidiver No tabs on top from fx15, fixed links, removed keyword, drop support for fx35
Approved M Michael Verdi New 160 character search summary
Approved M Swarnava Sengupta added the Share this article template
Approved M AliceWyman added link to new "Uninstalling toolbars" article and changed {for not fx35} to {for fx4}, used [[T:contextmenu]] template
Approved M scoobidiver previous edit is more than typo or spelling error
Approved   Centinel Proofing. Removed a lot of unnecessary words.
Approved M Michael Verdi add a link for fx 4+ users to what happened to the status bar as suggested by koovz
Reviewed   koovz link to [[What happened to the Status Bar?]]
Approved   scoobidiver changed keywords
Approved M Michael Verdi Fixed title on troubleshooting section
Unreviewed   scoobidiver added link to the malware article, changed keywords
Approved   Chris Ilias fixed broken numbered list from latest edit
Approved   vdavisson Changed several passive voice to active voice; broke up run-on sentences; removed "will" from several sentences to present tense.
Approved   scoobidiver added keywords
Reviewed   scoobidiver used contextmenu template, added keyword
Approved M Michael Verdi Combined steps to show or hide toolbars
Unreviewed   Michael Verdi Lots of revisions, new headings, screenshots for all OSs
Unreviewed   Michael Verdi Saving work in progress
Unreviewed   scoobidiver rewritten intro, added fx4 case, created "showing/hiding toolbars" and "adding, removing toolbars" sections, added summary
Unreviewed   Chris Ilias add *((Menu bar is missing))

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