History of Download Firefox on Windows from the Microsoft Store

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current M AliceWyman updated link to renamed article
Approved   Artist cant ➔ can't
Approved M AliceWyman Warning: edit and link for S-mode
Approved   ErlingR Boldfaced "Warning:"
Approved M Medhasree Suram I added a note to the article which includes support issues to the warning box
Approved M AliceWyman updated link to renamed article
Approved M AliceWyman updated link to renamed article
Approved M qxyz123 show info only if not win 10/11
Approved M AliceWyman small change to last revision
Approved M AliceWyman added that Firefox updates are through the Microsoft Store
Approved M AliceWyman MSIX install requires Windows 10 or 11 (Bug 1736847)
Approved M AliceWyman Warning edits: Windows S mode; default browser (bug 1736847)
Approved M AliceWyman removed screen reader warning (bug 1736742 fixed in fx94.0.2)
Approved   AliceWyman formatting (minor)
Approved M AliceWyman "Mozilla Firefox" is the app name
Approved   Mozinet all actions in bold, a key markup added, and extra spaces & lines deleted
Approved M Michele Rodaro Warning edit: Linkified "Firefox profiles" to redirect to the Profiles article
Unreviewed   Michele Rodaro Lost a Windows Store > Microsoft Store
Approved   Fabi Summary edit
Approved MT Fabi Windows Store > Microsoft Store
Unreviewed   Fabi Microsoft Store presence

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