History of Firefox Monitor

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current M AliceWyman REDIRECT [[Get started with Firefox Monitor]] (see discussion)
Approved M AliceWyman removed old content (see discussion)
Unreviewed   AliceWyman added content from "Get started with Firefox Monitor" article (see discussion)
Approved M AliceWyman reverted last edit - see https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/forums/contributors/716163#post-84990
Approved M AliceWyman updated link to new "Firefox Monitor - FAQ" article
Approved M AliceWyman linkified "Firefox Monitor"
Approved M AliceWyman deleted pre-fx88 content; linked to "Get community support" article
Approved   AliceWyman updated link to renamed article
Approved M Artist removed for fx70 tag, renamed Email Adresses section
Approved M Fabi [Fx88] Promotional panel will be removed
Approved   Underpass removed obsolete blocks "for not fx70"
Approved M Fabi Fx88-Firefox Monitor available from Protections Dashboard only
Approved M AliceWyman fx70 link to [[Firefox Lockwise - Alerts for breached websites]]
Approved M Marcelo Ghelman Actions on the alert prompt
Approved M Joni corrected image tab
Approved M Joni updated for 70
Approved M AliceWyman Removed note. March 28, 2019 is in the past.
Approved MT Lamont Gardenhire Added new content
Approved M Joni updated for mar 11 relaunch
Approved M Joni updated for version 2 coming out on march 11
Approved M Joni updated for upcoming version of Monitor, do not publish yet
Unreviewed   Tonnes double "for", add "it"
Approved M Joni added link to FAQ
Approved MT Joni new article
Unreviewed   Joni placeholder

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