History of Firefox Reader View for clutter-free web pages

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current M Mozinet fixed the "Exit" step (where I added an alternative)
Unreviewed   Mozinet Caps for Key (see guidelines), space between icon & button name, Button and Menu formatting, multiline Note formatting & spacing, and minor edits
Approved   AliceWyman "Image:Fx129ReaderView-Settings" removed distracting icon and text (empty edit)
Approved M AliceWyman Image:Fx129ReaderViewSettings (removed unneeded text)
Approved   Mark Heijl minor edits
Approved MT Lucas Siebert Bug 1910697
Unreviewed   Lucas Siebert Bug 1910697
Approved   Chris Ilias purged pre-fx89 content
Reviewed M akamushi future updates
Approved M AliceWyman Image:Fx78URLbar-ReaderViewIcon for not fx89
Approved M Andy Update images to match Proton redesign and changed wording to be more concise and easy to understand.
Unreviewed   Jeff Added commas (recommended for sentences containing three or more words, phrases, or clauses.
Approved M AliceWyman reworded Tip; new images apply to fx78+ (see discussion)
Approved M AliceWyman Note->Tip; fixed Keyboard shortcut for mac
Unreviewed   YD Added keyboard shortcuts and link to Reader View in iOS
Approved M AliceWyman updated images for fx84+ and other edits
Approved   Andy Button/icon image consistency.
Unreviewed   Underpass image needed for fx78, see thread https://support.mozilla.org/it/forums/knowledge-base-articles/714213
Approved M Michele Rodaro Added Wikipedia link for "text to speech"
Approved M Joni updated note
Approved M Joni updated per bug 1428551
Approved M Cécile icon correction fx57
Approved M Joni correction: orange -> blue
Approved M Joni updated for 57
Approved M Joni edited note
Approved M ideato If Menu bar is enabled the Reader View option is visible in View menu also
Approved M Joni Re-added Pocket; took it out by mistake
Approved M Joni fixed markup and L10N comment
Approved M Joni added comment for L10N
Unreviewed   Joni promoting Narrate in < 48 because users old on versions are visiting this article from marketing promoting this feature, but they're not seeing anything about Narrate.
Approved M Joni Added note so users of older versions will be aware of voice narration. Do not approve until release day
Approved   Chris Ilias add back "and" in "font and contrast". Not sure why it was removed
Approved M Joni modified search summary
Unreviewed   Joni line spacing in 49
Approved   Tonnes add colon
Approved M Joni updated for 49
Approved   Joni removed expiration date - no change to content
Approved M pollti 38.0.5: beta ➔ release
Approved M Underpass added note to localizers
Approved M Joni removed "reading list"
Approved M Joni changed update template
Approved M Joni updated for pocket
Approved M vesper updated template referrer at the very top
Approved M Lan Firefox 38 is beta
Approved M Joni added link to fx for android
Approved M Joni revised per Markus' suggestions
Approved M Joni removed "mode"
Approved MT Joni 1st draft
Unreviewed   Joni in progress
Unreviewed   Joni draft
Unreviewed   Joni 1st draft

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