History of Install Firefox on Linux

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Revision history for:

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Unreviewed   Mozinet minor edits
Current MT Paul Staff approval required. See bug 1904564.
Approved MT Paul Staff review required. Further to bug 1899705.
Approved M Lucas Siebert Small rewording as suggested by J. Lorenzo
Approved M YD Installation with .deb: check the fingerprint by code
Approved M Mozinet added comments to prevent URL linkification in code snippets
Approved   AliceWyman removed colon after fingerprint and '''bold text''' from wiki comment
Approved M AliceWyman Data migration: There are two methods, not two steps
Approved   ErlingR Cleaned up the text and markup for the migration part of the in the Debian section.
Unreviewed   ErlingR Introduced numbered list markup in the Debian section.
Approved M Johan Lorenzo Update fingerprint hidden comment to include the removal case
Approved M Lucas Siebert Added hidden comment about need for approval before updating fingerprint
Approved M Lucas Siebert Small rewrite for clarity (device migration section)
Approved M Lucas Siebert Added a dedicated header for the data migration section
Approved M Paul Correct the placement of the wget install instruction, added "debian" as a keyword.
Approved M Lucas Siebert Minor formatting fixes
Approved MT Lucas Siebert Bug 1826748
Approved M liam added code for snap
Approved M Mozinet added an anchor to the system requirements URL, and formatting
Approved M Marcelo Ghelman folder path change suggested by Paul, and a few more details
Reviewed M Marcelo Ghelman Local Firefox installation in user's account
Approved M qxyz123 mentioned ESR version only
Approved M Marcelo Ghelman minor formatting and alineee's change
Unreviewed   alineee Omitted two unnecessary words for clarity
Approved M Marcelo Ghelman Firefox already installed on most distributions
Approved   Underpass moved the TOC
Approved MT Danny Colin [WIP] Fix a typo
Unreviewed   Danny Colin [WIP] Update manual install: Add a note that it overrides the distro installation, Add a note on how to verify it installed Firefox correctly.
Unreviewed   Danny Colin [WIP] Add note on locales in the Snap section
Unreviewed   Danny Colin [WIP] Change the GitHub link to a repository owned by Mozilla
Unreviewed   Danny Colin [WIP] Update instructions to get the desktop file
Unreviewed   Danny Colin [WIP] Add Snap instructions
Unreviewed   Danny Colin [WIP] Fix note to redirect macOS and Windows users
Unreviewed   Danny Colin [WIP] Update manually install instructions
Unreviewed   Danny Colin [WIP] Update instructions to manually install Firefox
Unreviewed   Danny Colin [WIP] Update instructions to install from the package manager
Unreviewed   Danny Colin [WIP] Update Flatpak instructions
Unreviewed   Danny Colin Update the introduction to reuse the same dynamic note as the mac/win instructions
Unreviewed   servesha Simplified the tense. Replaced 'once' with 'after'. Using 'after' defines more clearer step
Unreviewed   unixfan Hyperlinked the installation methods
Unreviewed   unixfan Fixed an inconsistency in a file name and revised a bullet point
Unreviewed   unixfan Added blockquote where I forgot one in the previous edit and revised a poorly worded sentence
Unreviewed   unixfan Rewrote article for clarity, fixed grammatical errors, and added information where it was appropriate
Unreviewed   user3771646 add .desktop step
Unreviewed   PGGWriter Small grammar change at start
Approved M Angela Lazar Updates based on bug 1628004
Approved M Marcelo Ghelman Some changes on manual installation
Approved M Joni added flatpak option
Approved   Rashid Edited for clarity
Approved M Joni changed download url to seo-friendly one
Approved M Tonnes from download page -> from the Firefox download page
Approved M Joni removed the download languages/version link since the new firefox download page has this link already.
Approved M Joni added source to URL so we can find out how many people are downloading from SUMO
Unreviewed   Shaded_ke How To run it from the Terminal
Approved M AliceWyman added link to Systems & Languages download page - see discussion
Reviewed M Lan
Reviewed M LVSkiProf Added specific notes on how to get Firefox running on ArchLinux
Reviewed M jgmize Add examples for popular linux distributions and section on cross-compiling for ARM
Approved   user669794 removed share article
Approved M scoobidiver maintained system requirements link
Approved M ideato required libraries link to latest ff 22
Approved M ideato required libraries link to latest ff 21
Approved M ideato required libraries link to latest ff 20
Approved M ideato required libraries link to latest ff 19
Approved M ideato required libraries link to latest ff 18
Approved M Swarnava Sengupta added the Share this article template
Approved M scoobidiver fixed formatting, added summary, changed keywords
Unreviewed   cor-el added some keywords (there were none)
Unreviewed   Chris Ilias remove from que

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