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Jinsi ya kubadili browser yako ya msingi katika Windows 10

Revision 101551:

Revision 101551 by buluma_michael on

Revision 111246:

Revision 111246 by buluma_michael on


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Learn how to make Firefox your default browser in Windows 10.
Learn how to make Firefox your default browser in Windows 10.


{for winxp, win7, win8}[[Template:win10only]]{/for} Wakati unapoboresha windows hadi Windows 10, unaweza bila kukusudia kuweka upya browser yako ya msingi kwa Microsoft Edge. Fuata hatua hizi kubadili browser yako ya msingi kurudi Firefox. {for not fx39} #Bonyeza kitufe cha menyu [[Image:new fx menu]], kisha chagua {menu Chaguzi}. #Katika paneli ya ''Kwa ujumla'', bonyenza {button Kufanya ya msingi}. #; [[Image:default 38]] #Dirisha la kuweka Mipango ya msingi itafungua. #Chagua {menu Firefox} kutoka orodha ya programu upande wa kushoto na bonyeza {button Weka programu hii kama chaguo-msingi}. Kisha bonyeza {button OK} kufunga dirisha. #; [[Image:Default - Win8 pt 2]] # [[T:closeOptionsPreferences]] {/for} <!--{for not fx40}This version needs to be localized by July 29th. Version 40 can wait until August 11 =Tumia Mipangilio ya programu kubadilisha browser yako ya msingi= Kama unatumia menyu ya chaguo la Firefox kuweka msingi, unaweza kuona ujumbe wa makosa ifuatayo: ''Ili kubadilisha programu msingi zako, nenda kwa Settings> System> programu Default.'' Bofya {button OK} kufunga dirisha na kufuata hatua hizi: #Nenda kwenye Orodha ya Mwanzo na bonyeza ikoni ya '' 'Settings' '' . #Bonyeza '''System''', kisha chagua '''Default Apps''' kwenye paneli ya kushoto. #Upande wa kulia, shuka chini ''browser Web'' na bonyeza kiingilio chake. #Dirisha ya maongezi itafungua na orodha ya browsers. Nenda chini kwenye ''Chaguzi nyingine'', ambapo utaona Firefox imetajwa. #Bonyeza '''Firefox'''. #Sehemu ya ''Kivinjari'' sasa itaorodhesha Firefox kama chaguo-msingi yako. #Bonyeza X kuifunga dirisha ya mipangilio yako. Mabadiliko yako yatahifadhiwa kiotomatiki. {/for}--> <!--L10N - you may localize this, but it hasn't been checked on the real version of WIndows 10 yet, so there might be changes {for fx40} <!--Best case scenario: If all goes according to plan, this button will set the default to Firefox without any additional work from the user Click this button to set Firefox as your default browser: [[Replace this with button]] {note}You can also set your default browser manually by following the instructions in [[Make Firefox your default browser]].{/note} --> <!--If the button only opens the default apps, use these instructions for fx40--> {for fx39} #Bonyeza kifungo cha menu [[Image:new fx menu]], kisha chagua {menu Chaguzi}. #Katika paneli ya ''kwa ujumla'', bonyeza kifungo {button weka ya msingi}. #;[[Image:default 38]] #Programu ya Dirisha la Mazingira itafunguka na skrini ya ''Chagua programu msingi'' #Nenda chini na bonyeza kingilio chini ya ''Web browser''. Katika kesi hiyo, ikoni itasema ''Microsoft Edge'' au ''Chagua browser yako ya msingi''. #;[[Image:default apps win10]] #Katika skrini ya ''Chagua Programu'', bonyeza ''Firefox'' kuweka kama kivinjari chaguo msingi. #;[[Image:firefox default 10]] #Firefox sasa ni imeorodheshwa kama browser yako ya msingi. Funga dirisha ili kuhifadhi mabadiliko yako. {/for} <!--If there's no button at all, use these instructions: #Click the menu button [[Image:new fx menu]], then choose {menu Options}. #In the ''General'' pane, click {button Make Default}. #;[[Image:default 38]] #The Windows Settings app will open with the ''Choose default apps'' screen. #Scroll down and click the entry under ''Web browser''. #;[[Image:default apps win10]] #On the ''Default Apps'' screen, scroll down to ''Web browser'' and click its entry. In this case, the icon will say either ''Microsoft Edge'' or ''Choose your default browser''. #;[[Image:default apps win10]] #In the ''Choose an app'' screen, scroll down to ''Other options'', and click ''Firefox'' to set it as the default browser. #;[[Image:firefox default 10]] #Firefox is now listed as your default browser. Close the window to save your changes. {/for}-->
{for winxp, win7, win8}[[Template:win10only]]{/for} Wakati unapoboresha windows hadi Windows 10, unaweza bila kukusudia kuweka upya browser yako ya msingi kwa Microsoft Edge. Fuata hatua hizi kubadili browser yako ya msingi kurudi Firefox. {for not fx39} #Bonyeza kitufe cha menyu [[Image:new fx menu]], kisha chagua {menu Chaguzi}. #Katika paneli ya ''Kwa ujumla'', bonyenza {button Kufanya ya msingi}. #; [[Image:default 38]] #Dirisha la kuweka Mipango ya msingi itafungua. #Chagua {menu Firefox} kutoka orodha ya programu upande wa kushoto na bonyeza {button Weka programu hii kama chaguo-msingi}. Kisha bonyeza {button OK} kufunga dirisha. #; [[Image:Default - Win8 pt 2]] # [[T:closeOptionsPreferences]] {/for} {for fx39} #Bonyeza kifungo cha menu [[Image:new fx menu]], kisha chagua {menu Chaguzi}. #Katika paneli ya ''kwa ujumla'', bonyeza kifungo {button weka ya msingi}. #;[[Image:default 38]] #Programu ya Dirisha la Mazingira itafunguka na skrini ya ''Chagua programu msingi'' #Nenda chini na bonyeza kingilio chini ya ''Web browser''. Katika kesi hiyo, ikoni itasema ''Microsoft Edge'' au ''Chagua browser yako ya msingi''. #;[[Image:default apps win10]] #Katika skrini ya ''Chagua Programu'', bonyeza ''Firefox'' kuweka kama kivinjari chaguo msingi. #;[[Image:firefox default 10]] #Firefox sasa imeorodheshwa kama browser yako ya msingi. Funga dirisha ili kuhifadhi mabadiliko yako. {/for} <!--If there's no button at all, use these instructions: #Click the menu button [[Image:new fx menu]], then choose {menu Options}. #In the ''General'' pane, click {button Make Default}. #;[[Image:default 38]] #The Windows Settings app will open with the ''Choose default apps'' screen. #Scroll down and click the entry under ''Web browser''. #;[[Image:default apps win10]] #On the ''Default Apps'' screen, scroll down to ''Web browser'' and click its entry. In this case, the icon will say either ''Microsoft Edge'' or ''Choose your default browser''. #;[[Image:default apps win10]] #In the ''Choose an app'' screen, scroll down to ''Other options'', and click ''Firefox'' to set it as the default browser. #;[[Image:firefox default 10]] #Firefox is now listed as your default browser. Close the window to save your changes. {/for}-->

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