Mailman Lists

This article is no longer maintained, so its content might be out of date.

Mailman lists is a platform that allows authorize people to create mailing lists in order to communicate about various topics. Its privacy notice is here.

What data do you receive from my account?

Required Account Data

  • Email
  • Password

Optional Data

  • User name


Your account is associated with any postings, requests or communications you may have on a list.

How do I access my account data?

This is easily accessible by logging in to your account at

How do I update my account data?

You can update your account at

How do I delete my account data?

To delete a your information in a list, file a bug under Infrastructure & Operations with Component: Infrastructure: Mail

Any contributions publicly posted on the list will still be visible; however, your email address will be removed in most locations. We are not able to remove your details that are part of comment text.

How long do you keep my account data?

We keep it for as long as your account is open, unless you choose to delete it.

Because mail lists are often used for commentary and community input, your contributions and comments history are not deleted when an account is disabled. We don’t remove this information because your comments or contribution history is needed to maintain the history and allow other users to continue any group work or efforts.

Even though we keep the content, we do change the attribution to “anonymous” rather than your email address or user name. Once this is done, your contributions and comments can’t be connected to your removed identity.

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