Mozilla’s Data Removal Pilot

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Mozilla’s Data Removal Pilot is a service that allows you to find out if your personal information is being displayed online without your permission and take action against it. Mozilla is promoting this pilot, offered in partnership with Kanary, to remove personal information from up to 50 public websites that display or sell personal data.

The service will be available for a limited number of users at no cost for the duration of the pilot. We plan to gather feedback about the effectiveness of this service.

About our partner: Kanary

Firefox has partnered with Kanary, a leading data removal provider, to help offer this pilot within Firefox Monitor. Kanary helps you maintain your online presence and it searches the Internet for sites that publish data about you, such as your address, phone numbers, leaked passwords and emails. In addition, they follow strict data storage, encryption and anti-tracking practices.

Learn more about Kanary's privacy and security practices here.

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