History of Template:OpenProfileFolder

Revision history for:

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current   AliceWyman for linux: Directory -> Profile Directory (?)
Approved   Lucas Siebert Updated the markup
Approved M AliceWyman empty edit to mark RFL
Approved   YD Removed obsolete content
Approved   Denys Removed a serial coma
Unreviewed   Denys Updated the menu image; added some formatting
Approved   Lan revert as bug 1740617 is verified-fixed
Approved M AliceWyman {for win} -> {for win,win11} (bug 1740617)
Reviewed M unixfan Added Oxford comma
Approved M Underpass in fx88 we have "More Troubleshooting Information"
Approved M AliceWyman removed formatting changes that added new lines
Approved M Lamont Gardenhire Formatting updates
Approved M AliceWyman added "next to Profile {for win,mac}Folder{/for}{for linux}Directory{/for}" - see discussion
Approved M Michele Rodaro button: missing }
Approved M AliceWyman purged pre-fx57 content
Approved M Chris Ilias remove menu button from mac instructions
Unreviewed   Chris Ilias purge pre-fx51 content
Approved M AliceWyman On Mac, "Show in Finder" opens a window that contains the profile folder.
Approved M AliceWyman updated for fx57
Approved M AliceWyman reverting to Sept 4, 2017 revision - see discussion
Unreviewed   Tonnes add linux button text
Approved M Joni more clarification
Approved M Joni updated for 56
Approved M Michele Rodaro Unordered list: <li>Item</li> -> * Item (see https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/markup-chart)
Reviewed M Othman Wagiman Open your profile folder: [[Template:OpenProfileFolder]]
Approved M AliceWyman removed {for not fx29} content
Approved M Tonnes Show->Open Folder (win, 51+)
Approved   dskmori remove the extra "for".
Approved M Michael Verdi Fixed showfor, removed fx12 content
Approved M Michael Verdi Used image of the button to be consistent
Approved M Michael Verdi removed unnecessary parenthesis
Unreviewed   Michael Verdi Update for Australis fx29
Approved M Michael Verdi fix for broken lists
Approved M scoobidiver used showfor winxp,win7,win8
Approved M scoobidiver fixed link, right button label, drop support for fx35
Approved M scoobidiver https://wiki.mozilla.org/Releases/3.5_EOL, one line, unusability case
Reviewed   Jason added screen shots for Win and Linux!
Approved M AliceWyman corrected link to #w_how-do-i-find-my-profile ( i not I )
Approved M AliceWyman changed link to [[Profiles#w_how-do-i-find-my-profile|How do I find my profile?]] and removed Firefox 3.0
Approved M Michael Verdi 1st draft

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