History of Use Google Trending Search in the Firefox address bar

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Revision history for:

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current   Mozinet click on/click harmonization and serial commas correction
Approved M Michele Rodaro Deleted /en-US/ from the "privacy" link
Approved M Lucas Siebert Reviewed intro for clarity
Approved M AliceWyman added image for address bar
Approved M AliceWyman removed {for not fx118} from note, since fx118 users outside the U.S. will not see this feature
Approved M Mozinet fusion between the two most recently added notes
Unreviewed   AliceWyman added note for fx117 and below
Approved M Mozinet added a availability note for l10n and a ToC; proper headings; extra spaces & lines
Approved MT Lucas Siebert Bug 1848710

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