Firefox Translation

Firefox Firefox Last updated: 04/21/2024 31% of users voted this helpful

Firefox has added a new built-in full page translation feature that allows you to seamlessly browse the web in your preferred language. As you navigate the site, Firefox continuously translates new content in real time. This feature will be rolled out gradually and should be available for all users starting in Firefox version 118.

Note: Unlike other browsers that rely on cloud services, Firefox keeps your data safe on your device. There's no privacy risk of sending text to third parties for analysis because translation happens on your device, not externally.

How to use the translation toolbar

To translate a webpage:

  1. When you visit a webpage in a supported language, the translation panel will open automatically. If it does not open, click the translation icon in the toolbar or select Translate page from the Hamburguer menu 1 menu.
    Translation icon - toolbar
  2. Firefox detects the page language automatically. To change it, use the top dropdown menu.
    Firefox Fullpage Translation updated image 1
  3. Next, select your desired translation language from the bottom dropdown menu, which will be pre-populated with your first preferred language. To change it, use the dropdown menu.
    Firefox Fullpage Translation updated image 2
  4. Click Translate to translate the entire page.
    Firefox Fullpage Translation updated image 3
  5. To revert the page to the original language, click the toolbar icon Translation toolbar icon 2 and select Show original.
    Firefox Fullpage Translation updated image 4

Customize translation settings

To tailor your translation experience:

  1. On the right-hand side of the toolbar, click the translation icon.
    Translation icon - toolbar
  2. Click the cog icon located on the top right side of the translation panel.
    Firefox Fullpage Translation updated image 5
  3. Choose the setting you want to apply.
    Translation settingsFirefox Translations - Settings Menu (default)
  4. A checkmark will appear to confirm that the selected setting is enabled.
    Translation settings 2Firefox Translations - Settings menu (Always Translate Spanish)
  5. To revert a change, simply reselect the setting, and the checkmark will disappear, indicating that it's disabled.
Tip: "Always offer to translate" controls whether the panel opens automatically.

Configure installed languages

To configure your installed languages:

  1. In the Menu bar at the top of the screen, click Firefox and then select Preferences or Settings, depending on your macOS version.Click the menu button Fx89menuButton and select Settings.
  2. Under the General panel, scroll down to Language and Appearance settings.
  3. Under Translations, select from the list the languages you wish to have available for in-browser translation and click Install. The first time you translate from/to a language, it gets automatically installed in your device, so, you may see some languages already installed when accessing these settings.
    Install language
  4. To uninstall a language, just click Remove.
    Remove language


Does Firefox's translation feature work with non-text content, like images or videos?

No, the translation feature currently only handles text content on web pages, so it won't translate non-text elements such as images, videos, or interactive elements.

What if I encounter a page with mixed languages or content in multiple languages? Will the translation still work?

While the translation feature primarily focuses on the main language of the webpage, it may not handle pages with mixed languages or content in multiple languages optimally.

Can I translate a page partially, like only a specific section or paragraph?

Currently, the translation feature is designed to translate the entire page. It doesn't support translating only specific sections or paragraphs.

Can Firefox translate pages that are password-protected or behind login screens?

Yes, Firefox can translate password-protected or login-required pages, as long as the content is fully displayed on your screen. The translation feature works on any webpage content that Firefox can access and render.

How do I revert a page to its original language after translation?

To revert a page to its original language after translation, click the toolbar icon and select Show original.

Why do I need to install languages?

Installing languages enables Firefox to perform translations locally within your browser, prioritizing your privacy and security. As you translate, Firefox downloads partial language files to your browser cache as you need them. To pre-install complete languages yourself, access the language settings in Firefox Settings, General panel, in the Language and Appearance section under Translations.

How can I report incorrect translations?

You can help enhance Firefox translations by reporting inaccuracies through this form.

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