How do I transfer my e-mail addresses from AOL to Firefox?
I would like to switch my ISP from AOL to Firefox. How can I transfer all of my e-mail addresses, and favorites, without having to re-enter them one at a time?
All Replies (9)
There is no Firefox email, it is also not an ISP. Firefox is just a web browser, it does not include an email component or an address book.
Tony: Thanks. Is Mozilla an ISP? I may be confusing the two. Saul
Mozilla is not an ISP either, it is an organization that develops a number of software products, the most famous one being Firefox.
Tony: Thanks again. Then what is Thunderbird? Saul.
Thunderbird is an email program, it is one of the projects that Mozilla are involved in.
Tony: Third thanks. Is it possible to switch my e-mail address book, and Favorites, to Thunderbird from AOL as a group, and establish an e-mail address at Thunderbird, then use Firefox as my browser. Saul.
This forum is just for Firefox support, for Thunderbird support you can ask in one of these forums:
Tony: Thanks for all your advice. I will follow up with the Thunderbird Forum now that I understant the difference between Mozila, Firefox and Thunderbird. It is a little confusing. Saul.
Thunderbird is the email client from Mozilla & Firefox is the browser from Mozilla.. Neither Mozilla nor Firefox are ISP's.. Thunderbird will hold your address book & Firefox holds your favorites or bookmarks.. Think of it in terms of automobiles & Mozilla is FMC & Thunderbird is one auto model & Firefox is another auto model under the umbrella of the Ford Motor Company or FMC.. The ISP = Internet Service Provider would be AOL, Cable Co, ATT etc they are the gas for the auto..