On 1 website, I can only get the home page, but several months ago I got all pages so now must use Internet Explorer.
Website eaaunion.net. I can go to home page and all is displayed, but when trying to go to any of hundreds of other pages, I only get the header of the page. Internet Explorer works just fine and gets full information.
What is really strange, is that I am the administrator of this website and use Firefox to load articles to it. Firefox used to display all information from all pages.
All Replies (3)
Try clearing your browser cache.
Tools > Clear Recent History... - hit Details and make sure only Cache is selected, then select Everything and hit the Clear Now button.
Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately, it did not help. Any other ideas?
I notice that class .clearfix (DIV.bodypanel.clearfix) could use a rule clear:both to avoid problems with floating content.