Unable to install an ADD-ON
I have installed IBM Security Trusteer Rapport to my recent Lenova laptop..
But I cannot seem to be able to, or be allowed to, add IBM Security Trusteer Rapport to my Firefox browser (100.0.1 version) but it appears immediately in my Edge browser next to the address box. I have used Firefox for many years and it is my default browser.
My bank (Santander UK) strongly recommend this addon as it provides encryption protection.
Has Moxilla barred it from Firefox but if not, how can it be added? There is no way I can see to add Santander UK (or any other UK bank) manually to Rapports list of protected bank sites.
Any clarity on this would be most appreciated. Hector Currie
Toutes les réponses (1)
What happens when you try to add it to Firefox?