How to set up message filter for either Subject or From contains....
I want to be able to filter incoming messages on a particular string being contained in either Subject or From. Is there any way to do this without entering a separate rule for Subject and for From?
I installed FiltaQuilla, but it doesn't seem to be able to search across header fields.
All Replies (3)
Have you tried a filter like the one in the attached picture?
Yes, that is what I am doing. But I have dozens of scenarios where I need to filter on Subject or From. So life would be a lot simpler if I could set up one search rule for each string that I need to filter instead of two.
It seems that there should be a "Subject or From" option in the leftmost column of the rules.
Multiple Subject criteria can be added to a single filter, and if 'Match any of the following' is selected, that is the same as an OR rule. In some cases, it's easier to create an address book with all the From contacts, and then set the rule From + is in my address book + <name of address book>.