How to contribute to article localization

(Redirección desde Localize Firefox Help )
Contributors Contributors Última actualización: 78% of users voted this helpful
Os nosos voluntarios están a traballar na tradución deste artigo. Ata que estea listo, quizais a versión en inglés poida ser de axuda. Se quere axudarnos a traducir artigos coma este, prema aquí .

Thank you for reading these words - it means you want to contribute to global Mozilla Support. More than half of all Firefox users speak a language other than English, and we depend on contributors like you to make support available to people from all over the world.

We are always happy to welcome new localizers to our group. Please have a look at our list list of available locales to see if we are already localizing into your language. If it's not included, we would love to work with you to add it to our pages. If you see a language on the list, you should be able to click its name and see the Locale Leader(s) working on it. You can contact them to learn more about localizing SUMO articles into your language.

I want to be a localizer. What should I do?

First things first:

What if there already are people localizing into my language?

In case you see your language listed on the list of available locales you should click on the name of a Locale Leader and send him or her a private message to get in touch. Don't be shy, they will be happy to hear from you – the more, the merrier!

If the Locale Leader doesn't answer after a reasonable amount of time (a few days at least - they could be on holidays or very busy), try another Locale Leader or get in touch with our team on Matrix, Discourse or contributor forum.

What if there is no content available in my language?

If you don't see your language listed on the list of available locales, please let us know in the contributor forum and we will figure out together what to do about this.

Do you have any questions? Do you need assistance while localizing? Please tell us on the l10n forum.

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