Cannot add name without an email to a contact list.
My contact list is heavily weighted to snail mail use with email being a minor convenience. When adding a person to a contact list in Version 45.5.1 who does not have an email address, no more people can be added to the list until I remove the one without an email. This is a real pain when trying to keep a Christmas card list.
All Replies (6)
Enter a dummy email address then. Mailing Lists are designed specifically for email.
The purpose of an address book is to keep information about people. Mailing lists are designed specifically to communicate with people by any means. This is an obvious bug. A dummy email address does not solve a programming glitch. As an undocumented limitation of the software, it causes users to lose time as they think the system is working when it is not.
Instead of a work-around, does anyone have a solution?
The purpose of an email address book is to keep email addresses so the progrtam can manage your email contacts.
If you want general contacts, use the windows contact manager. windows key + R Type contacts in the run dialog and press Enter.
Thank you for the suggestion. That actually opens up a number of possibilities as I can add my 32,000 personal contacts to my OneDrive folder. What a hidden gem. I would prefer using Google, though it would populate my phone with 32,000 phone numbers.
If Thunderbird was an email program only, it would not have calendar functions. Outlook does not integrate with Google calendars. Baseline accelerator is a GREAT program but I don't need email marketing. Google is excellent but it is hard to limit what ends up on a phone. There just is not an easy to use personal contact database available that integrates a calendar and communication system.
Thanks again!
Thunderbird's address book does not integrate will with office productivity suites other than Libre Office, so the demand for non email contact is pretty close to Zero.
However Thunderbird can synchronize to Google contact with the gContacts add-on, it can synchronize to Hotmail/outlook contact with another add-on. It can also be modified to use the windows contacts as an address book. So really I think all your choices are there, just perhaps not as integrated as you would like.
Thanks Matt. That may work. The problem with using Google is that my cell phone is synched to Google and I don't want 32,000 contacts on my cell phone. These are all personal contacts that I have collected over the years including volunteer organizational lists with mail addresses only, high school, college, and work contacts. The link instructions to the Windows address book looks promising. Now, if I can just figure out how to use One Drive as a remote directory without synching and put this folder there, it will solve all the issues.
Thanks again.