Kwatanta Nazarce-nazarce
Home page with pipe character opens extra tabs when Firefox starts
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Mahimman kalmomi:
tabs start launch troubleshooting
Taƙaitaccen sakamakon bincike:
This article explains why you might have multiple tabs opening when you start Firefox.
Abin ciki:
Firefox lets you specify more than one site as your home page; each page will open in its own tab when you start Firefox. To specify multiple pages, you separate each address with a pipe character (|) when you [[How to set the home page|set the home page]].
* If you get a tab named "''Firefox Updated''" or says "''You've been updated to the latest version of Firefox.''" every time you start Firefox, please read the [[Firefox has just updated tab shows each time you start Firefox]] article.
This feature may lead to unexpected results when you try to set your home page to a site that contains a pipe character in the address. When you start Firefox, you may get one tab that's correct (or at least, the wrong page on the right site) and one additional one that goes to another site.
To fix this problem, you will have to replace the pipes with their escape code.
# [[T:optionspreferences]]
# Select the {menu General} panel ({menu Main} panel in Firefox 3.5).
# In the '''Home Page''' text box, replace all pipes (|) with '''%7C'''
# [[T:closeOptionsPreferences]].
Firefox lets you specify more than one site as your home page; each page will open in its own tab when you start Firefox. To specify multiple pages, you separate each address with a pipe character (|) when you [[How to set the home page|set the home page]].
* If you get a tab named "''Firefox Updated''" or says "''You've been updated to the latest version of Firefox.''" every time you start Firefox, please read the [[Firefox has just updated tab shows each time you start Firefox]] article.
This feature may lead to unexpected results when you try to set your home page to a site that contains a pipe character in the address. When you start Firefox, you may get one tab that's correct (or at least, the wrong page on the right site) and one additional one that goes to another site.
To fix this problem, you will have to replace the pipes with their escape code.
# [[T:optionspreferences]]
# Select the {menu General} panel ({menu Main} panel in Firefox 3.5).
# In the '''Home Page''' text box, replace all pipes (|) with '''%7C'''
# [[T:closeOptionsPreferences]].