Kwatanta Nazarce-nazarce
Nazari 281054:
Nazari daga 281054 AliceWyman a ranar
Nazari 284321:
Nazari daga 284321 marcelo.ghelman a ranar
Mahimman kalmomi:
Taƙaitaccen sakamakon bincike:
Note about the user being prompted for their OS account password/biometrics before showing the passwords in Lockwise.
Note about the user being prompted for their OS account password/biometrics before showing the passwords in the Firefox password manager.
Abin ciki:
{note}'''Note:''' On Mac and Windows, OS authentication may be required when accessing stored passwords using the {button Edit}, {button Copy}, or the Reveal button (represented by the "eye" icon). This is '''not''' your Firefox Account credentials; see [[Secure Firefox passwords with device sign-in]] for more information.
{note}'''Note:''' On Mac and Windows, OS authentication may be required when accessing stored passwords using {menu [[Image:edit_fx71aboutconfig|width=18]] Edit}, {button Copy}, or {menu [[Image:IG eye|width=18]]} (the reveal button, represented by an eye icon). This is '''not''' your Mozilla account credentials. See [[Secure Firefox passwords with device sign-in]] for more information.{/note}