Nuna amsoshi da aka yiwa shaida: Nuna duk tambayoyi

why does my hotmail in thunderbird sometimes get my emails and other times it says authentication failed?

why does my hotmail in thunderbird sometimes get my emails and other times it says "Sending of password for user ********* did not succeed. Mail server pop-ma… (daɗa karatu)

why does my hotmail in thunderbird sometimes get my emails and other times it says "Sending of password for user ********* did not succeed. Mail server responded: Authentication failure: unknown user name or bad password"? Then it starts getting them again. It's totally random. Every once in a while it does it with my .live email too. Yet other .live and .hotmail addresses never have a problem? TIA

Asked by toysmost 3 watannin da su ka gabata

Last reply by toysmost 3 kwanakin da su ka gabata