SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER certificate error

Hi, I saw some forums and even google is blocked and i have this problems. I paste here the problem but my browser is en french: 'Connexion bloquée : problème de … (daɗa karatu)


I saw some forums and even google is blocked and i have this problems. I paste here the problem but my browser is en french:

'Connexion bloquée : problème de sécurité potentiel

Firefox a détecté une menace potentielle de sécurité et a interrompu le chargement de, car ce site web nécessite une connexion sécurisée.

Que pouvez-vous faire ? a recours à une stratégie de sécurité HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), une connexion sécurisée est obligatoire pour y accéder. Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter d’exception pour visiter ce site.

Le problème vient probablement du site web, donc vous ne pouvez pas y remédier.

Si vous naviguez sur un réseau d’entreprise ou si vous utilisez un antivirus, vous pouvez contacter les équipes d’assistance pour obtenir de l’aide. Vous pouvez également signaler le problème aux personnes qui administrent le site web.'

Any ideas ? how is possible that this website is giving me error? is a government one. Is something wrong with the certificate ?

L’autorité de délivrance du certificat du pair n’est pas reconnue.

HTTP Strict Transport Security : false HTTP Public Key Pinning : false

Chaîne de certificat :




MIIG1jCCBL6gAwIBAgIQNMarBE42mRJRyCULbJTWwDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADA7 MQswCQYDVQQGEwJFUzERMA8GA1UECgwIRk5NVC1SQ00xGTAXBgNVBAsMEEFDIFJB SVogRk5NVC1SQ00wHhcNMTMwNjI0MTA1MjU5WhcNMjgwNjI0MTA1MjU5WjBHMQsw CQYDVQQGEwJFUzERMA8GA1UECgwIRk5NVC1SQ00xJTAjBgNVBAsMHEFDIENvbXBv bmVudGVzIEluZm9ybcOhdGljb3MwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEK AoIBAQCXVx8rdbF7/xY44CaSqzzGo5BhvzA8knxC/3KJYVzTf+CkOvMxMUDub8b0 h38MDujm/RKZhBNOWbKhxF3U61ZVhcR9xOCciuS/soT80m3BByxAKcZsNka0jCA4 XRkglDaAFxCHEZ06MOnvXsSOZDfPYahbQ3VFCVycJuhlHdAwSpmceQwcRYkR6YgX wTiyzCNGivMKAmRS3dItqDOmDW/nxiDFq/Jd8VWY7GFkwbbAeqYId8FjN8zfvafu nsB9SLFkUjPPMeqfmC7Bdh7HMxLpaOXROwH201cmlebiPkn0xSFxXFqwhhr6yN8U QYZ3O/+xdHLrS6DS9+CJUF6d09ijAgMBAAGjggLIMIICxDASBgNVHRMBAf8ECDAG AQH/AgEAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBBjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUGfhYLxTWpsybBJgIDUzX qwCng2UwgZgGCCsGAQUFBwEBBIGLMIGIMEkGCCsGAQUFBzABhj1odHRwOi8vb2Nz cGZubXRyY21jYS5jZXJ0LmZubXQuZXMvb2NzcGZubXRyY21jYS9PY3NwUmVzcG9u ZGVyMDsGCCsGAQUFBzAChi9odHRwOi8vd3d3LmNlcnQuZm5tdC5lcy9jZXJ0cy9B Q1JBSVpGTk1UUkNNLmNydDAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBT3fcX9xOiaG3dkp/UdoMy/h2Ca bTCB6wYDVR0gBIHjMIHgMIHdBgRVHSAAMIHUMCkGCCsGAQUFBwIBFh1odHRwOi8v d3d3LmNlcnQuZm5tdC5lcy9kcGNzLzCBpgYIKwYBBQUHAgIwgZkMgZZTdWpldG8g YSBsYXMgY29uZGljaW9uZXMgZGUgdXNvIGV4cHVlc3RhcyBlbiBsYSBEZWNsYXJh Y2nDs24gZGUgUHLDoWN0aWNhcyBkZSBDZXJ0aWZpY2FjacOzbiBkZSBsYSBGTk1U LVJDTSAoIEMvIEpvcmdlIEp1YW4sIDEwNi0yODAwOS1NYWRyaWQtRXNwYcOxYSkw gdQGA1UdHwSBzDCByTCBxqCBw6CBwIaBkGxkYXA6Ly9sZGFwZm5tdC5jZXJ0LmZu bXQuZXMvQ049Q1JMLE9VPUFDJTIwUkFJWiUyMEZOTVQtUkNNLE89Rk5NVC1SQ00s Qz1FUz9hdXRob3JpdHlSZXZvY2F0aW9uTGlzdDtiaW5hcnk/YmFzZT9vYmplY3Rj bGFzcz1jUkxEaXN0cmlidXRpb25Qb2ludIYraHR0cDovL3d3dy5jZXJ0LmZubXQu ZXMvY3Jscy9BUkxGTk1UUkNNLmNybDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAgEAo2bsQ2xL Dcyodieqjd+uy/lfxDw/MbrAq/ZaNFkIlcypUYamOM4vrm5rz8oLjPCoLkJ48P+n P08Gkcl5Q6q6VFcZLia+U3gfHXrkyqToQlrtViGCGH3xA4u56XtMHGXSdk9vQ0yD nW5f7bUEkp+uvcKewrOvNcpbIAgD4eU7gdOS0w7BagcFRBgTKBw2s3z73fRZtouJ g/atmWYtXbBsfNjph+pCh+h5sbSyZUVzO5AemyjpYYYNMWDQrTXq+7O8zIPuPaNE SjEexuzn+VjHG90RlUK1LygARi+Ir0opD2w6erb/hK8Eea7MFdKQ2ASqNBGJggNo 5vfPVvjHiL+Antmh7mQSKL+4YwFU64d4KK9k0C1mbJethDQFKcjTK1vMvnXFiups IuyTqwKauo7u2zMKzY4r3VYOW9TpMyLPFIY8pII5GyNzXlL0F4nscOvduTEPEYqx eNJfpDDPY/DO8WfxgdRTy2W3D/UoAulb+Y+nuzGGCtFQrsSMQX487R+aY0nWot/h ajef6BcPuxhDfQrg5IafrISVmcJAplb3tXhh0sz7RbYz6jf1bke4eU5fnrTMtGlV teUL2vjrfUPHW07kBJuaQ7sxORNV3bpHisOnHj+AriQzCn5vINpSHW6hTm7IfRkb ltu/aQrsMuUhP7HE/v+uXe5CuboV5ubZhHU=


Asked by Anita 2 awannin da su ka gabata

Last reply by Anita 1 awar da ta gabata

Focus vs Mozilla Private vs Mozilla

I wonder does one have the same email and password for all three Mozilla Browsers I listed above as subject. I do not recall having a password but a code was sent to me a… (daɗa karatu)

I wonder does one have the same email and password for all three Mozilla Browsers I listed above as subject. I do not recall having a password but a code was sent to me and I did change it. I have a certain place I store passwords and it was not there. I could have used my Google account (option) but I didn't have a password stored for that account either. I have 4 emails and use for certain things to seperate my activity and thus level of importance to 'must read' vs can read vs should read. Lol

Asked by BellasMomma 6 kwanakin da su ka gabata

Newsmax Website and Secure Connection Failed john948 Jan 6, 2025, 11:07 CST I've used this site for years and within the last 6 months, this regularly happens and then later, it will connect. This is a… (daɗa karatu) john948 Jan 6, 2025, 11:07 CST I've used this site for years and within the last 6 months, this regularly happens and then later, it will connect. This is a glitch with your system. No other browser has this happen AND i run 2 computers and on one of them when this comes up, the other allows it. Please fix your system on this before i have to drop your browser. Thank you.

Asked by john948 4 awannin da su ka gabata

Firefox startup causes ServiceHost: NetworkService to max out CPU to 96% when Mozilla VPN is on.

I am trying to troubleshoot a problem with high CPU usage by Firefox when using Mozilla VPN - VPN ON.. Problem occurs when starting in Safe Mode, and still occurs after p… (daɗa karatu)

I am trying to troubleshoot a problem with high CPU usage by Firefox when using Mozilla VPN - VPN ON.. Problem occurs when starting in Safe Mode, and still occurs after performing Refresh. Problem can also occur just by changing to a new tab. Problem does not occur if Mozilla VPN is turned OFF. Problem does not occur with Microsoft Edge. Mozilla VPN Support said it is a Firefox issue, and recommended contacting Firefox if safe start or refresh did not help.

Below is a link to a startup session.

Hoping that someone can help me solve this issue. Thanks! Device name GGDesktop Processor 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-13400 2.50 GHz Installed RAM 32.0 GB (31.7 GB usable) Device ID 71FFA399-5A1A-448B-892C-99CEE4F5A88A Product ID 00330-80000-00000-AA007 System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

Edition Windows 11 Pro Version 24H2 Installed on ‎12/‎14/‎2024 OS build 26100.2605 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.26100.36.0

Asked by genegx.vcf 6 kwanakin da su ka gabata

new pc died and have to return with personal data

I bought a new pc and synced firefox with my old pc to transfer all my tabs and accounts. The new pc died within a day and i will have to return it to the manufacturer GM… (daɗa karatu)

I bought a new pc and synced firefox with my old pc to transfer all my tabs and accounts. The new pc died within a day and i will have to return it to the manufacturer GMKTEC, the problem i have is all my accounts Ebay, Amazon etc are on it as well as my medical data. Is there something i can do with firefox to stop this information being looked at or used.



Asked by brirogg 6 awannin da su ka gabata

Unwanted shortcuts

For a while now, maybe a couple of weeks, an unwanted shortcut appears on the desktop and also on the taskbar. I delete them, but after a while they appear again. (Window… (daɗa karatu)

For a while now, maybe a couple of weeks, an unwanted shortcut appears on the desktop and also on the taskbar. I delete them, but after a while they appear again. (Windows 7, Firefox 115.18.0esr (64 bit)) How can I eliminate the phenomenon?

Asked by Róbert Tartó 12 awannin da su ka gabata

Coordination with Secondary Email

Google seems to be "taking" my mail from my Primary Email address: In My (Mozilla) Account Summary, Google is shown as “Secondary email” that I have the option of making… (daɗa karatu)

Google seems to be "taking" my mail from my Primary Email address: In My (Mozilla) Account Summary, Google is shown as “Secondary email” that I have the option of making “Primary” or tossing in the garbage can, and as “Linked” (“You have authorized access to the following accounts”: Google, with the option to “Unlink.” (I don't remember "authorizing" this.) Google has been “migrating” emails to my gmail address: that are now being duplicated at both addresses. Do I need to remove Google as my Secondary email or as “Linked,” or both, to stop this? (Plus, Google seems to be using the Primary Emails to "optimize" advertising at the Gmail address.)

Asked by RAC 1 kwanan da ya gabata

NOT Sending Signature Verification and Public Key Attachments

The latest version of Thunderbird does not seem to have a way to turn off automatic sending of public key and digital signature even when sending *unencrypted* messages. … (daɗa karatu)

The latest version of Thunderbird does not seem to have a way to turn off automatic sending of public key and digital signature even when sending *unencrypted* messages. (Prior to 2020, I'm informed there was a way to uncheck "sign all outgoing messages" which I think might have addressed this).

Now letting everyone know my public key would be desirable, except bone-headed email systems -- such as Yahoo Mail -- seem to be more likely to consign my emails to the spam bin with these attachments to spam as being considered suspicious!

How can I have OpenPGP keys installed on an email account, set to not encrypt new messages, and NOT automatically send public key and signature attachments?

Perhaps I should mention that I am using the latest Thunderbird on Windows 11, via Proton Bridge, through the extremely infuriating Proton Mail service.

Thanks, Michael

Asked by michael737 4 kwanakin da su ka gabata

Last reply by michael737 1 kwanan da ya gabata