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When starting Firefox the reopened tabs are showing old versions of the website

1. Close Firefox (FF) with some tabs open 2. While FF is closed the websites are updated 3. Open Firefox, tabs reopen 4. Go to tabs Expected: Tabs should the latest vers… (baca lebih lanjut)

1. Close Firefox (FF) with some tabs open 2. While FF is closed the websites are updated 3. Open Firefox, tabs reopen 4. Go to tabs

Expected: Tabs should the latest version of the website (ie the page has been refreshed)

Actual: Tabs are showing the old, previous (cached) versions of the website and not refreshing to show the latest

User has to manuall refresh each tab to see the latest version of the page

Are other people seeing this issue?

Ditanyakan oleh s.harbage 1 bulan yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh s.harbage 16 jam yang lalu