Creating form letters and mailing lists in Thunderbird
I am a business owner and I want to create a form letter that I can send to everyone on a mailing list where the body of the letter is the same for every recipient, but the salutation is personalized for each recipient.
Basically, I want to create a message like you would create a form letter in Word using Mail Merge, where each recipient has their first name in the salutation, but the body of the message is the same for every recipient, so the version for Sally would say
Dear Sally, Blah blah blah. Sincerely, Me
and the version for Bob would say Dear Bob, Blah blah blah. Sincerely, Me
and the version for John would say Dear John, Blah blah blah. Sincerely, Me etc.
I have downloaded the add-on "Quicktext" and followed their instructions, and it gets me part way there, but if I put my contacts into the "To" field, the message comes out with everyone's name in the salutation, like
Dear Sally, Bob, John, Blah blah blah. Sincerely, Me
And sends the same copy to everyone.
Can anyone help me?