Read/Unread status Sync issues in Thunderbird v8.2 (Android)

Since past few weeks I have been observing that read/unread status of my emails are not correctly being synced. I'm almost always finding that emails in my gmail account… (ვრცლად)

Since past few weeks I have been observing that read/unread status of my emails are not correctly being synced.

I'm almost always finding that emails in my gmail account that I have already read on mobile appear unread when I open gmail on my pc browser. Same goes vice versa. Entire same thing also happens for my outlook account.

Any solutions?

კითხვის დამსმელია Mihir Rabade (MRDG2821) 5 დღის წინ

Failed sending outlook mail via Thunderbird

Hello, I hope you're doing well. I'm a faitthfull supporter of mozzila and thunderbird, so happy to have the app thunderbird now - thanks for that :) I'm using thu… (ვრცლად)


I hope you're doing well. I'm a faitthfull supporter of mozzila and thunderbird, so happy to have the app thunderbird now - thanks for that :) I'm using thunderbird to access my outlook adress since years. But, few weeks ago I can't send mail anymore (still receiving it) via thunderbird. I tried a lot of solutions, checked online the [[topic Microsoft OAuth Authentication and Thunderbird in 2024|*pm7jt7*_ga*MzEzODU1MDYyLjE2ODkyMzY3NTE.*_ga_R3H4BDP5J2*MTczNDk2ODU4Mi4xLjAuMTczNDk2ODU4Mi4wLjAuMA..]] topic

But still nothing, I'm beginning to despair and I don't want stop using thunderbird but it's become really anoying. Can you help me please?

thanks and merry christmas ! Yo

კითხვის დამსმელია Optimist 2 კვირის წინ

ბოლო პასუხის გამცემი Optimist 5 დღის წინ

angelegte Mailorder sind weg etc.

Hallo liebes Team! Ich suchte eine Mailadresse von Thunderbird, um zu erfahren, was mit all meinen Mails passiert ist, fand aber keine. Das Problem: Ich hatte ursprüngl… (ვრცლად)

Hallo liebes Team! Ich suchte eine Mailadresse von Thunderbird, um zu erfahren, was mit all meinen Mails passiert ist, fand aber keine. Das Problem: Ich hatte ursprünglich Unterordner angelegt mit rechtem Mausklick und alle Mails dort abgelegt. Leider scheint es diese Funktion und damit auch die Ordner nicht mehr zu geben. Ich kann darauf also nicht mehr zugreifen, sie sind nicht da, rechter Mausklick links ist tot.

Dafür sind nun im Order Gesendet = über 800 und im Ordner Gesendet = fast 800 aufgelistet, ohne dass ich auf sie zugreifen kann, wenn ich in der im Bildschirm sichtbaren Auflistung bis ganz nach unten gescrollt habe. Früher gab es unten eine Leiste, wo man die Seiten zurückblättern konnte, auch die ist verschwunden.

Wo sind all die Unterordner mit meinen wichtigen Mails? Und wie lege ich neue Unterordner an?

Mit freundlichem Gruß eine ratlose Nutzerin T. Andryszak

კითხვის დამსმელია t.m.f.andryszak 1 კვირის წინ

ბოლო პასუხის გამცემი t.m.f.andryszak 5 დღის წინ

Attachments on Thunderbird for Android

Is there a way to get the attachments at the top of the message? Since they are at the bottom by default, a lot of scrolling is required in case of a long message thread… (ვრცლად)

Is there a way to get the attachments at the top of the message?

Since they are at the bottom by default, a lot of scrolling is required in case of a long message thread.

Having the attachments on the top after the subject line will solve this for me.

კითხვის დამსმელია Sajid Hussein 5 დღის წინ

Copy to

Why has Copy to changed to move to.?I When I have recently used this facility I have lost track of important mssages. have lost the ability to find messages in the time … (ვრცლად)

Why has Copy to changed to move to.?I When I have recently used this facility I have lost track of important mssages. have lost the ability to find messages in the time line Inbox.

კითხვის დამსმელია petermnewman 1 კვირის წინ

ბოლო პასუხის გამცემი petermnewman 5 დღის წინ

Thunderbird Zombie Email (can't move or delete) and Empty Folders (Mac)

I'm using 128.5esr (64-bit) in Mac. There was a email in inbox ; I can mark it as read-under but cannot delete, move; I tried many times delete or move but nothing h… (ვრცლად)

I'm using 128.5esr (64-bit) in Mac. There was a email in inbox ; I can mark it as read-under but cannot delete, move; I tried many times delete or move but nothing happened. After several restart that zombie email left but also I saw many empty folders which must have hundred emails in it...

my last backup belongs to months ago, so I lost all important emails. How to recover it I do not know. Any advice ?

კითხვის დამსმელია Can SARIGÜL 4 კვირის წინ

ბოლო პასუხის გამცემი Can SARIGÜL 5 დღის წინ

Thunderbird with exchange email account - email content wiped

When I move or copy an email from one Exchange account to another the content of the email is wiped (my other non-Exchange accounts are all fine). It happens on all my de… (ვრცლად)

When I move or copy an email from one Exchange account to another the content of the email is wiped (my other non-Exchange accounts are all fine). It happens on all my devices one running Windows 10 and one running Windows 11. It happens across all versions of Thunderbird (have re-installed etc). It started occurring on 26-Sep-24. Have been in correspondence with Boenex (re: OWL) since then but dialogue getting nowhere.

I have been using Tbird for 10 years and really like the program. I am having to start using Outlook, which I dislike. If it can’t be fixed then I will be forced to abandon Thunderbird altogether and stop my donations. I don’t know where to go from here. Is anyone able to point me in the right direction?

კითხვის დამსმელია Philip Kassanis 5 დღის წინ

Email posts are delete

Seit kurzer Zeit verschwinden in Thunderbird alle Emailbeiträge wenn man eine der Emails löscht. Erst wenn man Thunderbird neu öffnet sind die einträge wieder vorhanden. … (ვრცლად)

Seit kurzer Zeit verschwinden in Thunderbird alle Emailbeiträge wenn man eine der Emails löscht. Erst wenn man Thunderbird neu öffnet sind die einträge wieder vorhanden. Gibt es dazu eine Lösung?

Recently, all email posts in Thunderbird disappear when you delete one of the emails. Only when you reopen Thunderbird are the entries available again. Is there a solution to this?

Thanks, Ernst

კითხვის დამსმელია player3 5 დღის წინ

Thunderbird for Android problem

Hello, I dont know why but one of my email accounts set to constantly push didn't work last night and I missed a couple of important ones and I can't have that happen aga… (ვრცლად)

Hello, I dont know why but one of my email accounts set to constantly push didn't work last night and I missed a couple of important ones and I can't have that happen again. What can I do to troubleshoot this, because I can't use a client that can have a malfunction in something as basic like this. Also, it's not the first time. So it's random and sporadic that one of my addresses can't have email pushed when sent.

კითხვის დამსმელია Home account 5 დღის წინ

Folders under Inbox

On Dec 3 2024 deleted my Inbox and all it's subfolders for some unknown reason. It was never fully recovered, but most of the sub folders were recovered … (ვრცლად)

On Dec 3 2024 deleted my Inbox and all it's subfolders for some unknown reason. It was never fully recovered, but most of the sub folders were recovered and exist at with the original content. Thunderbird does not show these sub folders under it's Inbox, any idea why? Anyway, since then, thunderbird Inbox will not allow me to create a folder that has a name listed in the list of sub folders. any idea why that is. Thank you for any help you may offer. Peter

კითხვის დამსმელია pjwalshla 6 დღის წინ

Can send but not receive emails

I have used Thunderbird for years. I just got an equipment upgrade from my isp. After the upgrade I can send emails via thunderbird but not receive (unable to login at … (ვრცლად)

I have used Thunderbird for years. I just got an equipment upgrade from my isp. After the upgrade I can send emails via thunderbird but not receive (unable to login at server). I can still access email via a webmail browser. I have tried deleting and reinstalling thunderbird, checked the settings multiple times, and changing some value to true (some post I found here on the forums). Any ideas?

კითხვის დამსმელია seferg 6 დღის წინ

Missing emails

I recently noticed that all my emails from August 2023 through March 2024 have disappeared. They are missing from all folders - Inbox, Sent, Trash, all folders including… (ვრცლად)

I recently noticed that all my emails from August 2023 through March 2024 have disappeared. They are missing from all folders - Inbox, Sent, Trash, all folders including everything in pop, imap accounts, and all local folders. Messages from before 8/2023 and after 3/2024 are all there. I noticed that there is a folder in Program Data called Mozilla-1de4eec8-1241-4177-a864-e594e8d1fb38. In that folder is a subfolder updates > 308046B0AF4A39CB > backgroundupdate which is dated August 15, 2023. This is the exact date that is the start of my missing emails. Could an update have caused my problem? If so, is there a remedy? Thunderbird 128.5.2esr, Windows 11 Home 24H2 build 21600.2605

კითხვის დამსმელია acidbus71 6 დღის წინ

ბოლო პასუხის გამცემი acidbus71 6 დღის წინ

Deleting emails

The topic could be settings either if I have not used a setting that I should have. If I delete an email on my PC it does not delete on my phone. However If I delete an … (ვრცლად)

The topic could be settings either if I have not used a setting that I should have. If I delete an email on my PC it does not delete on my phone. However If I delete an email on my phone it also deletes from my PC. I really need this the other way round because I am more likely to tidy up my phone and deal with emails later on my PC. I am only at the beginning of learning to use the features of Thunderbird so any basic help that you can offer would be much appreciated. I set up a filter for a newsletter that comes very often so that I can delete it in blocks when it becomes out of date. I set up a new folder for it in my inbox. This is working well and the new folder and contents appear on my phone and Kindle. However my plan was to be able to read and delete emails from this folder on my PC with the expectation that they would then be deleted from my phone and Kindle. However they are still there. I am sure that there must be a box somewhere that I have failed to tick or untick and so if you could point me in the right direction then I should be most grateful. Thank you Patricia

კითხვის დამსმელია kandpnoon 6 დღის წინ

emails being deleted

For quite a while now, almost a year, when I delete an email, it deletes more emails than the one I was deleting. Why is this happening? They are going from my inbox to… (ვრცლად)

For quite a while now, almost a year, when I delete an email, it deletes more emails than the one I was deleting. Why is this happening? They are going from my inbox to my Trash folder. Sometimes I loose an important email without realizing it. This happens on both of my computers, my desktop and my laptop. How do I fix this? Hope you can help and Thank you. Mark D.

კითხვის დამსმელია markjd1 6 დღის წინ

Thunderbird Android edition can't send email to Google accounts

The new Android version of Thunderbird can't properly send emails to a Gmail address. The emails are blocked by as having spam content. My host (a2hostin… (ვრცლად)

The new Android version of Thunderbird can't properly send emails to a Gmail address. The emails are blocked by as having spam content. My host ( indicates it is a problem with how the email is constructed. This is not a problem for the desktop edition.

კითხვის დამსმელია WusteRatte 6 დღის წინ