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Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead

I am using apache tomcat web server at If I access Windows r %mis_int% it is opening However it is displaying the warn… (read more)

I am using apache tomcat web server at If I access Windows r %mis_int% it is opening However it is displaying the warning: Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead To resolve this error I used to perform following action: Tools => Settings => Search Trust => Click View Certificates => Add exception => provide Click Get cerfiicate Click Confirm security exception Press Ok Refresh This is displaying updated page at local host. However I am having clogall shell script inside bash.exe (putty.exe) at localhost This used to clear all cache and files at /tmp and $TEMP directories at windows and cygwin. Due to this if I open %mis_int% again it is reporting same security warning. clog actions: 1. cd /cygdrive/c/Users/MURUGE~1/AppData/Local/MICROS~1/Edge/USERDA~1/Default/Sessions Remove all all wastage of memories Remove all cookies at banking/post office session related entries I need to know how to remove exception "Potential Security Risk Ahead" without adding localhost certificate again ? clogall never use .cer *.crt related sed -i actions. I used to upload postofficeinterest.html to geocities after testing that file at localhost.

Asked by MURUGESAN N 5 days ago