When creating a link in a reply, why can't you enter a URL?
When creating a link in a new email, you can enter a URL as the link location. Not so when replying. Right-clicking on the link-location box only gives you a drop down menu.
All Replies (2)
Maybe you are replying a TEXT message not an HTML message, and that is why it has no ability to put an URL.
Well you can simply paste the URL as text, it is possible that the recipient will have it highlighted as an URL and will work for the other party or they'll have to copy it and paste in their browser.
I haven't changed this in years but I think this is the place: Tools->Options, Composition icon General tab Send Options button (on the right and bottom of the dialog)
My settings are ""Send messages as plain text if possible"" but below I have ""Send the message in HTML anyway""
Thanks for that. It seems to have been fixed in release 52.0.1 but I will try your settings anyway to see what happens. I had "Send the messages as plain text if possible"; and "Send the message in both plain text and HTML".