I want to use T-bird as THE email tool for a corporate office with Address Book driven from Network so all workers will have access to same lists, etc.
I realize there could be other restrictions like users may not be able to have Local Folders on their desktop HD. And, that an Administrator may have to be created so individuals can't edit / delete addresses in ALL Address Books or Lists, but I've been using T-bird for over 12 years and it offers so many features and tools, I would like to recommend it to some of my Corporate Clients. It's so much cleaner and user-friendly than some other email software. I just need to know how to install, set-up, and describe how to use it within such an office environment considering potential network (multi-user) "restrictions".... or would this be a completely different version ie: coding?
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Start by looking at an ldap server. I understand active directory can be used.... but I have no experience.