valid password not accepted
Hi, I am using 3.6.12. Our internet is working fine for the other computers in the household but not on this new MacBook.
When I connect using System Preferences/Neywork/enter Network Name I enter the WPA password and get a "Connection failed" message.
When I use the Network Setup Assistant I get the message "the password you entered is invalid". This password works fine on the other computers in the house (one PC, one iBookG4).
If I use Network Diagnostics on the Safari browser and enter the password all the buttons on the left go green but I still get the message:
Unable to join AirPort Network "This computer was unable to connect to the AirPort Network you selected...etc,"
However, when I open Firefox I am successfully connected to the web.
Any advice much appreciated.
Novain'i captainyossarian t@
All Replies (1)
The solution was to change the wireless router settings to accept the additional security format of the newer MacBook.