hanging whenever visit the tamil news site
why it was hanging whenever i visit tamil news website even two or three taps open taking long time to respond
this is the website i visited http://www.dinakaran.com http://www.dailythanthi.com http://www.maalaimalar.com/
All Replies (10)
You can check the server response in the Network Monitor.
Ok i will delete unwanted bookmarks
Try deleting your search history since having a lot of history tends to cause these kind of problems.
i don't have a lot of history because i deleted often so it was not a problem i think the website have a issue or i am using adblocker the website have a lot of ads so that it hangs
As a test, Load the web page. After the page is loaded, click the down arrow next to the AdBlock icon. Now select Disable on <web site>.
why this videos not supported
What happen if the downloads are failed in midway is that firefox delete hole file are it was left in drive
very slow i don't have many taps just two taps it hanging again and again i really hate it
That is about the HTML5 media player. Windows XP doesn't have built-in support for playing MP4 files and Firefox relies on built-in OS support to play media files via the HTML5 media player, so you are likely out-of-luck when only the HTML5 media player can be used to play the media file and not a plugin based player like the Shockwave Flash plugin.
- [/questions/1053509] MP4 files won´t play
You can use an extension to switch between the Flash player and the HTML5 media player on the YouTube website. YouTube Flash Video Player: