Right-click menu disappears in bookmarks toolbar folder
I'm using Firefox 3.6.3 and am experiencing a problem with the bookmarks toolbar (the bar directly below the address bar, not the bookmarks menu you get when you click on the "Display your bookmarks"-button). In the toolbar, I have added several bookmarks and when I right-click on those, the right-click menu appears, I can make a selection with my mouse and then left-click on the action I want to perform (e.g., Open, Open in a New Window, Open in a New Tab, et cetera).
However, in my bookmarks toolbar, I also have a folder with several subfolders and with bookmarks in those. When I left-click on the folder, I can navigate through the subfolders. I can also right-click on a bookmark in a subfolder, but when I then move my mouse, the right-click menu immediately disappears before I even have a chance to left-click on the action I want to perform.
All Replies (18)
Do you have that problem when running in the Firefox SafeMode? http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Safe+Mode Don't select anything right now, just use "Continue in SafeMode."
If not, see this: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/troubleshooting+extensions+and+theme...
Did a complete uninstall including registry with Revo uninstaller then clean 3.6.3 install Same problem, no change. The problem is only right clicking in a folder, the options disappear when the mouse is moved over to make a selection.
Did you reinstall all the extensions you previously had installed?
Hmmm, for some reason my reply to the first question never got through... anyway, I tried to run Firefox in safe mode, same problem. Disabling all extensions and plugins: same problem.
Same here, the problem exists with no extensions installed after a clean reinstall. Also in safe mode. I deleted all user preferences and cleaned the registry and still have the same problem, within a bookmark folder, right click menu disappears with mouse over. It's really irritating.
I have the same issue... anytime I right-click any item on the main menu bar I get the pop-up menu showing my options but as soon as I try to select one the menu goes away.
I only have Ad-block, No-script, Linkification and the Java ones installed.
Well....? Doesn't anyone have an idea of what's wrong? I'm pretty sure it will require a registry hack to repair. Any smart firefox people out there?
Are you using a persona? Do you have the Menu Bar hidden? View > Toolbars > [[X] Menu Bar
I'm not using a persona and I don't have the menu bar hidden. I do run Window Blinds, but I uninstalled it, tried Firefox again, problem remained.
But instead of asking all these questions, is there perhaps someone who can confirm that (s)he is *NOT* having this problem? That would at least give an indication about whether it's something in a specific client configuration or a general bug in Firefox...
No, it's not a Bug in Firefox, the vast majority of Firefox users don't have that problem. It is a problem unique to your installation.
We are asking questions to get you to do a little troubleshooting to help you find find the source of your problem, but with all the "Anonymous" postings in this thread it makes it hard to know who is answering a "helpers" question and who is posting an off-topic comment about their own problem.
Ok, I didn't mean to come across in an offensive way (my apologies if I did, which was unintentional), I just didn't know that apparently this isn't a general Firefox problem, but probably has to do with my configuration :)
(I'm glad that people are already thinking in terms of "which possibilities are there that could cause this behaviour?" but some contextual feedback is also nice every now and then ;) )
Anyway, I don't know if it helps, but here is my current configuration, in which the problem still exists:
Application Basics
Name Firefox
Version 3.6.6
Profile Directory
Open Containing Folder
Installed Plugins
Build Configuration
Fission 1.0.9 true {1280606b-2510-4fe0-97ef-9b5a22eafe41}
Image Toolbar 0.6.8 true
Java Quick Starter 1.0 true jqs@sun.com
LastTab 2.2 true {68E5DD30-A659-4987-99F9-EAF21F9D4140}
Menu Editor 1.2.6 true
Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant 1.2.1 true {20a82645-c095-46ed-80e3-08825760534b}
MultirowBookmarksToolbar 5.0 true
OpenBook true
Toolbar Buttons true {03B08592-E5B4-45ff-A0BE-C1D975458688}
Update Notifier true {95f24680-9e31-11da-a746-0800200c9a66}
Firefox Sync 1.4 false {340c2bbc-ce74-4362-90b5-7c26312808ef}
Adblock Plus 1.2.1 true
Download Statusbar 0.9.7 true
Tab Utilities true tabutils@ithinc.cn
SyncPlaces 4.0.7 true syncplaces@andyhalford.com
Java Console 6.0.19 true
Java Console 6.0.20 true
Modified Preferences
accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashBar 0
browser.history_expire_days.mirror 180
browser.history_expire_days_min 5
browser.places.importBookmarksHTML false
browser.places.importDefaults false
browser.places.leftPaneFolderId -1
browser.places.migratePostDataAnnotations false
browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion 2
browser.places.updateRecentTagsUri false
browser.startup.homepage http://www.deviantart.com
browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone rv:
browser.tabs.loadInBackground false
browser.tabs.warnOnClose false
browser.tabs.warnOnOpen false
extensions.lastAppVersion 3.6.6
general.useragent.extra.microsoftdotnet ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
network.cookie.prefsMigrated true
network.protocol-handler.warn-external.ed2k false
network.protocol-handler.warn-external.lastfm false
places.last_vacuum 1274688445
print.print_printer FinePrint
print.printer_FinePrint.print_bgcolor false
print.printer_FinePrint.print_bgimages false
print.printer_FinePrint.print_downloadfonts true
print.printer_FinePrint.print_edge_bottom 0
print.printer_FinePrint.print_edge_left 0
print.printer_FinePrint.print_edge_right 0
print.printer_FinePrint.print_edge_top 0
print.printer_FinePrint.print_evenpages true
print.printer_FinePrint.print_in_color true
print.printer_FinePrint.print_margin_bottom 0.5
print.printer_FinePrint.print_margin_left 0.5
print.printer_FinePrint.print_margin_right 0.5
print.printer_FinePrint.print_margin_top 0.5
print.printer_FinePrint.print_oddpages true
print.printer_FinePrint.print_orientation 0
print.printer_FinePrint.print_pagedelay 500
print.printer_FinePrint.print_paper_data 1
print.printer_FinePrint.print_paper_height 11.00
print.printer_FinePrint.print_paper_size 2097196
print.printer_FinePrint.print_paper_size_type 0
print.printer_FinePrint.print_paper_size_unit 0
print.printer_FinePrint.print_paper_width 8.50
print.printer_FinePrint.print_reversed false
print.printer_FinePrint.print_scaling 1.00
print.printer_FinePrint.print_shrink_to_fit false
print.printer_FinePrint.print_to_file false
print.printer_FinePrint.print_unwriteable_margin_bottom 0
print.printer_FinePrint.print_unwriteable_margin_left 0
print.printer_FinePrint.print_unwriteable_margin_right 0
print.printer_FinePrint.print_unwriteable_margin_top 0
privacy.clearOnShutdown.cookies false
privacy.clearOnShutdown.formdata false
privacy.clearOnShutdown.sessions false
privacy.cpd.cookies false
privacy.cpd.sessions false
privacy.sanitize.migrateFx3Prefs true
privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown true
privacy.sanitize.timeSpan 0
security.warn_viewing_mixed false
No problem. We need to troubleshoot problems systematically, and need to determine if that problem with Firefox itself or if it with an addon or combination of addons?
Did you try the Firefox SafeMode (a troubleshooting mode that disables extensions), as I asked about on May 5th?
If it works fine in the Firefox SafeMode, then we'll know that whatever is causing your problem was not in use while in the Firefox SafeMode.
Then you need to figure out what was causing that problem by troubleshooting your addons.
Yeah, I tried that on may 19th (see my post somewhere above, it got a bit "snowed under" in all the Anonymous-postings), but unfortunately to no avail; the problem still occurred while running in Safe Mode; I also tried disabling all add-ons and plugins, after which the problem also still occured :(
To me, this would seem as if the problem is caused by something relatively unrelated to Firefox, add-ons or plugins... which could mean that we're looking for a needle in a haystack :-S
- ouch*
I think I just found the needle (at least for _my_ haystack, I don't know about the other users who posted here with the same problem)...
The behaviour of Firefox got me thinking: it really looks like some kind of strange mouse-behaviour; it's almost as if I can't move my mouse pointer quick enough to get to the right-click context menu to give it focus and then select an option. So, what kind of software do I have installed on my computer that does something with mouse pointers and focus? Exactly, TweakUI and the "X-mouse" option...
Lo and behold, after disabling the X-mouse option in TweakUI, my problem in Firefox is solved...
I am wondering though, is this something that can/should be fixed in Firefox? By this, I mean that in all other cases in Firefox (i.e. when you right-click on a menu-item, on an item in the navigation toolbar, on a bookmark that is directly in the bookmark toolbar or when you right-click somewhere on a displayed page, an image or a hyperlink or whatever), the right-click menu doesn't disappear, even with X-mouse enabled. So it seems as if the original scenario is the only deviation from the standard. I don't know if this should be considered a bug or a glitch however; I don't know anything about Firefox's underlying GUI model and if this is to be considered correct behavior, but perhaps it's worth looking into :)
For now, I can live happily ever after with the knowledge that I should either disable X-mouse or live with the problem in Firefox ;)
Thanks to everyone who looked into this subject!
You Da Man Martin!!! Tweak UI X mouse was the problem. Thanks!
BTW Sorry about being anonymous, I am a registered user but lost my log in stuff.
Will this problem be fixed?
I have been running Firefox and TweakUI with X-Mouse enabled for years on Windows XP Pro. Firefox did not have this problem prior to version 3.6. The problem was introduced in Firefox 3.6 and should be fixed in Firefox.
Look for the difference between the relevant code in version 3.5.x and 3.6.
I had exactly the same problem. Yes it was due to TweakUI/X-mouse. However I didn't have to disable X-mouse. I have just added a 10 ms delay and it solved the problem.
However, I really don't understand why an upgrade on Firefox having zero ms delay on X-mouse had a problem.
I know of a couple of fixes I have used for this issue.
Using tweakui from M.S. you may set your mouse to function as an x-mouse. This will make regedits (i believe) and enables the window beneath your mouse to become active.
In this same tool is an option to set a "delay" before activation I have used a delay somewhere around 300 ms. successfully.
Windows 7
I had the same problem after migration from XP. To fix it I went to:
control panel->Ease of Access->Make the mouse easier to use
I toggled OFF and ON the option:
"Activate a window by hovering over it with the mouse"
saving my choice after each toggle. (I then set my selection back to ON, but you do as you wish.)
I hope you have success as I did.